Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday October 24 2014

It is a beautiful day here in Bakersfield.. fall is coming upon us and it is getting into the season where nature is resting a bit.
The flowers on my balcony are still resisting the cold weather, but soon it will be too cold for them as well.

Yesterday I went to the gym to do Zumba with Mike. I have enjoyed the activity a lot.Afterward I started doing cycle with Lolita and it was time them for me to return to the apartment.

Before leaving as usual I kidded with everybody over there. Tucker who was busy with a customer  nevertheless she managed to find time for me to tell me Splendid with a wonderful Oxford accent.

Before leaving I snapped a picture with Jessica here pictured in red next to me (I am the one with the hat)

My coverage was provided by Celina. She is  very nice person and she told me that she has two twin daughters one year old. They are very active and do their best to go to different places every time.
She mentioned that she recognizes by their smile as one of them an a chick feature that appears only when she smiles.
Afterward it was time to go back to the apartment and to take a soothing shower a snack and to rest.
Today at the clinic has been a busy day: I worked on my CR (PT for the mind) with Zeina one of CNS's Cognitive Rehabilitation therapist (CR).
 I worked the Parrot program with setting of 6 letter and 3 second. I have achieved 60% accuracy with Av response time 16.5.

Afterward I started doing the Deductive Reasoning CR Parrot program with level 8.
My score was 49 out of 50. With response time 30.2
I reported my work in CR to Zeina by email.. so let's save the planet!
Finally it was time for my Recreational Therapy. Whenever I can I run on Friday particularly it is called my RT.. I love running and it makes me feel strong. I have always like running and right now I am into running again. My balance is far better and my abstention to the safety rules is such that CNS trust me to run at the clinic' gym.
Anyway today I run a 2.2 miles in 30 minute. At the end I sprinted up to 6 miles in a minute.
This is the way I like to run, It is like a good piece of music: it starts slow and it ends  with a big "screscendo" of sound. 

Afterward I took a soothing shower  and as I had a snack, as running makes me hungry.
I had a banana which is full of potassium - good fuel for the muscles.

I met Sarah my wonderful Case Manager and cheat chatted about the activities of the weekend. She is very busy with her kids like Simona. She mentioned that she has soccer games with her kids. It is like Chicco and Lapo -our two kids. Soccer games are during the weekend.

Have a great day.

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