Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday October 17

let me start mayday by giving  to  all of you a thought of gratitude for everything.

yesterday afternoon Simona called me and mentioned that i bamabini were going to Taekwondo. Afterard Lapo, the youngest was going to soccer practice.
Simona mentioned she was busy because she was writing a proposal for funding for her job. As funding is very important for a professor - and Simona is a professor a Caltech- I encouraged her to stay at home for the next couple of weeks so that she can focus on the house while taking care of the kids and hopefully taking care as well of her self- which implies working in having the proposal finished on time. I am confident you can do it mon amour.
I marked it both on my calendar and memory book,

Yesterday CNS took me to the 24 fitness gym on Gosford a gym where I have been member for the past couple of years. I know everybody that work there and they trust me and smile at me always.

I was late for Zumba so that I did a bit and then switched to a semi private lesson of cycle with Lolita.
Lolita is the lady next to me in a dark T-shirt wearing nice high heels shoes that she used on purpose for the picture. I am the guy with the hat with a red- shirt.

I have enjoyed the gym and worked hard. Lolita encouraged me to stay strong and we did a lot of exercise for balance. As right now I am working among other things on my balance.

CNS provided me transportation to go and afterward Cristina was waiting for me at the reception to provide me transportation back at the apartment.
So you see it is all well.
This morning I wake up early as usual got a good breakfast with my family and with Sarah my Case Manager at CNS.

In the morning Yesenia came to greet me and as usual we exchanged a high five. Afterward I asked her to please take a picture of me with Simona and our two kids. So here it is for your enjoyment.

At CNS I first talk with Don my counselor and good friend. I like talking with  him and reflecting on our day.

Afterward I switched to my RT day, it  was running of course.
I have enjoyed running steady and with long stride. I did two and a half mile in thirty five minute. As the picture below shows to you. Andrea was my PT therapist today as Nick is out.

I have enjoyed deeply my run.. so thank you Sarah and CNS.

Well I getting stronger and faster and better, so I am more and more independent.
Today in the afternoon is again a workout at the gym. I hope I will not be late for Zumba.
Over the weekend I rest. 
I will run errant tomorrow then grocery shopping where I will have a lot of fun at Trader Joe's.

I would like to see at the movie theater the Fury movie with Brad Pitts.

Enjoy the reading,

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