Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday December 10 2014

Already, today is the 4th anniversary of my stroke. It happened four years ago while in the office as Westlake, CA near Thousand Oaks. It started with a strong tooth hake, I went to the restroom in my office and was found over there with a loss of balance laying on the floor by Naveen, an Application Engineer of our company.

As something was obviously wrong  I asked to be transported to the near by hospital in Thousand Oaks.

Over there they checked me out and decided it was best for me to fly me at the Stroke hospital in Santa Barbara California. I reached the hospital over there and Dr. Zoner was  ready to operate me. As I was laid on the operating table I had my massive stroke.  Dr Zoner inserted a shunt in my head. Which is now part of me. My stroke affected my right hand side of the brain, hence my left side of my body is the one that needs more and more therapy.

Whenever I have the opportunity I am focusing on the  left side of my body.

The result of my stroke was both a  lack of  balance ( my cerebellum got affected as well) and a lack of emotional stability.

As a result of my stroke I have been in rehabilitation to get better.

I have always been a lucky person and I am considering myself very lucky in whatever I do.

I am a firm believer in God and on his infinite patience and strength.

This is way I an always thanking Him for the food and I like going to church on Sunday.

Yesterday it was a Sunday and I went to church . Over there I sat next to Coral and her family.
She has a 7, 11,14 and 19 years siblings.
I brought her stickers for her youngest, she has appreciated my gesture.
Mark drove us to church in perfect time, I appreciate getting there a bit early so that I can prepare myself for the Holy Mass.

This morning my wife Simona called me to let me know that she was taking our two children to school.
Chicco is 9 years old and is going to IV grade. Lapo is 5.5 years old and he is in Kindergarten.
They both go to La Canada Elementary school (LCE).

The local public school in La Canada where our house is situated.

It is a very good public school, this is why we originally selected La Canada to purchase our house.
While we were renovating it, I came down with my stroke. As we had the blue print already prepared and a good contractor -Kathy- Simona my wife decided to get things completed anyway.

Speaking of my family, over the weekend our bambibi had a hair cut:

This is our eldest son - Chicco now 9 years old.

This is Lapo - the youngest and now 5.5 ears old

Best quality of a person are in this case:

And being forbearing..

There is no hurry, I have all the time to get better.. (Lester)

Thank you CNS, Sarah and Mon amour..
it is time to go 


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