Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday October 7 posting

yesterday it was Monday and as usual I went to the 24 fitness gym.
Over there I did kickboxing with Christie here pictured in red next to me.
She mentioned yesterday she had her last lesson at the gym.
So no more Christie for the foreseeable future,

After ward I did also cycle with Angie, she is the lady with the bandanna smiling with me and showing a thumb up in the picture below.

Angie mentioned that today she was to be a translator at the meeting that VP Biden is having in town.
I will know how it is gone in a few days.

As usual I greeted Naomi the manager who was very busy and Jessica her helper who is coming to the rescue whenever Naomi is too busy.

At the gym I greeted Damian a very positive and nice person from Bakersfield. He mentioned many time that he knows Christa from CNS. I have also greeted Richard and Dahlia.

Kyle did my coverage at the gym while I was there.
Before going to bed I had a light snack:
Piadina with tea. 

Before going to sleep I took a picture of my family.

My morning breakfast has been really delicious as usual.

I took care of my self, and of my bedroom. Then I have prepared breakfast including my meds. Finally I  cleaned the dishes by hands so that I can save water. Being ecological is the first thing that is important to us, like Erica-sama is teaching us at the clinic.

Today at the clinic I worked on my Cognitive Rehabilitation with Erica-sama. She drives a nice Prius which is a very very nice car to drive with. 
In the car there are obvious signs of her daughter Sun. She has the same elements for little kid that we were using when Lapo and Chicco were little boys.

We went to the local Starbucks. The task was to reorganize a six words sentence from the smallest to the largest. Afterward we worked on auditory scanning, that is  listening a sentence for   a certain set of key words. This time my words were "a" and "ing".
I did my best, as usual I appreciate all the effort that CNS is putting into us and me in particular.
At Starbucks I had a squeezed orange juice (OJ). Very delicious and in line with the CNS policy of having beverage without caffeine. Well as I am getting better I don't drink any longer that much coffee.

Finally I had Yoga session. Whenever I  have Yoga we can work on Cognitive Rehabilitation (CR),

  CR  is PT for the mind.

The physical therapy was implemented as  my Yoga session. As usual Amy was there. I have brought her a nice letter for her two daughters Madison and Olivia. I have written the letter in English and block letter as when I am writing to my kids. Together with the Letter I have also  brought  her daughters some stickers. It is a small sign of appreciation for her work and for her family.
Afterward I am working on my ED independent which corresponds in summarizing my day from yesterday to today.
I a little bit it is best if I am going.

Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.

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