Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wed Qctober 1 posting

Yesterday  The two daughters of Amy, our yoga instructors brought me some nice art craft that  I have posted in my apartment. Madison has turned 11 and she made a nice wallet for me. Olivia the younger daughter now 4 prepared the art that is now hanging from the door of the fridge in my apartment.

 I wrote a nice letter back to them to thank them for their nice gesture. Also I have made some drawings for them. Today I gave it to Amy. I snapped a picture of my nice gesture.

I have also been cooking eggplant: cut into thin slices and then pan sired on a hot pan.
Finally soaked in Olive Oil, with some small pieces of garlic and a lot of basil leaves.

I will let it soak for a one or two days and it will be ready for the grand finale.

I have also prepared Quinoa with Tilapia on a pan. First I rolled the Tilapia on Crumble bread then added some capers. Let it cook for about half a hour.

I then went to the 24 fitness gym to do bootstrap with Johnny.
At the gym I snapped a picture of Sharita so that I can remember her name.

Dee was also there and as usual we snapped a picture together. She is always available to stand by me in front of the camera.

Afterward I snapped a picture of Naomi the manager of the gym,
She is also a big fun a mine being always there. So she always showing me her appreciation.

After boo tcamp I started doing step with Leslie. She is really a very knowledgeable person and she agreed to let me use the smaller step so that I could work on my balance. 
Right now I am not to the point of using the step with a lot of height yet. Nevertheless I can use the one that does not any elevation from the floor of the gym.

Before going to bed I have snapped a picture of our children and kiss them goodnight.

Chicco is 9 and Lapo is 5.5, they both are good and active young adult.

This morning I had my breakfast but more important is me being green. So Yesenia snapped this picture of me  being green. There are a lot a persons close to me that feel green today.

I just met Sarah my awesome Case Manager and she showed me she is wearing green as well today.

I had Cognitive Rehabilitation (CR) that is PT for the mind. I did my best improving everyday.
Afterward I had Yoga with Amy She confirmed that her daughters appreciate my gesture. So I gave today to Amy a thank you note for her work. She was happy to see me responding in a positive way and constructively to her daughters thoughts. 

At lunch I had a wonderful Quinoa, with Tilapia and caper. The Tilapia was rolled in crumble bread with a tad of orange juice and orange peel.

I  love cooking as Simona my wife is always busy with something so I have the house available for my little creation.
It is something I love to do.

My lunch has been captured in this shot. Quinoa, Tilapia and Avocado.

Afterward Yesenia snapped this picture of me drinking my coffee.  Black with a tad of sugar.

Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed documenting the story.

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