Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday October 19 2014

yesterday we went to the movie to see a nice movie with title Fury.
Here is me in front of the movie poster.

This is my report written yesterday night, that I am coping verbatim here below:

Already I saw Fury a good movie with Brad Pit. It is about a tank and its crew. The tank is moving at its best in France during the Second World War.

This is the story of the last mission of the tank and of its crew, involved in a desperate attempt to hold the line. The tank has little supply but a huge courage and cohesion. These qualities  help it to move trough the difficult and desperate hours of its mission. One by one the different part of the tank fails and the crew is killed.
Center figure is Brad Pitt as the tank commander that works closely with a new crew mate to toughen it and make it war ready.

The nice sentence of the movie is that everybody was repeating this sentence " this is the best job I ever had" .. although times were tough, the tough were going.. well it is a very nice movie.

It is a movie about heroism and leading by example.
I have enjoyed the movie with my
Dibs and my coke,
My meds have been taken on time.

This morning  I had a good  breakfast and avoided  my eggs as I am watching my weight. So it has been a good and light breakfast.

my biggest achievement has been preparing a Happy Christmas Card for my mom in Italy

I have prepared the letter and also  purchased an additional stamps that I needed  for the letter.

The letter has been sent today and it has all the time it needs to go back to Italy where my mom will take her time to make some Xmas card with it to distribute to her circle and family.

Today Simona is taking our boys to have a hair cut so when they come next week they will be all stylish and dandy.  Simona is a wonderful person and a very strong woman with infinite resource and love for our family. She has a lot of temper, strength and guts and LOVE for us all. She is my wonderful wife and I am happy she is the ONE that is my wife, as I feel I love her and we belong together.
We are a family and we have been a family trough tout this journey of mine.

I a little bit I need to go and Talk to Renee my super RTC here at CNS...

Cheers and enjoy the day!

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