Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday October 28 posting

Today I would like to mark that it is my wife Simona name -birthday (Onomastico) as in Italy today  is St. Simona.
So I called her this morning as she was going to work to make sure I wished her a happy "Onomastico".

She mentioned that she had just left our two sons (i Bambini) at school (LCE)

Already yesterday it was a Monday and after therapy at CNS I went to the 24 fitness gym on Gosford to do Yoga.
Here is me at the entrance of the gym.
It was a nice clear day of late Autumn,

Here is Melissa one of the receptionist that works at the gym.
She was in the Yoga class as well and she stopped by the snap a picture with me.

This is Erica the Yoga teacher she is doing many movements similar to the one we do at CNS with Amy. The class over there is more advanced but the key in Yoga is to do anything according to your own capability.

After ward I came back to the apartment.
After cleaning up I had a late snack based on Piadina

Then it was time to go to bed.

Today I had  a good breakfast and took the bus at 8:15 on time for my daily work at CNS.

At CNS I did CR with Zeina (it is PT for the mind)
my CR  work  has been as following:

1) setting 6 letter and 3 second: Results: 70% with 14.1 second 
2) Deductive Reasoning level 8. Results: 93% response time 16.27 second
3) Cause and Effect level 8 93% response time 5.6 second.

While I was there, Michael paid me the biweekly allowance that I receive.
This week it was all good as I did not spend much last Saturday.  I stayed within my budget of $150 every two week. The budget for outing is $48 every two weeks. This program is called Money Management program.--- Thank you CNS 

Afterward I did Yoga with Amy. It is a good smooth exercise at any  level of capability.

Today I brought her some nice letters for her two daughters. Their names are Olivia and Madison  (4 and 10).

I had prepared for  Olivia a butterfly drawing as she is going to be dressed for Halloween like a butterfly. For Madison the eldest I have prepared a nice letter for her.

It is as I normally do with my two sons. Chicco is 11 and Lapo is almost 6. So I normally prepare letters for Chicco - in English and block letter. For Lapo I make simple drawing with some basic words so that Simona my wife is helping him to read it.
Going back to about our two bambini their costumes for this year are as following:
Lapo: Ninja
Chicco: Death Dark More.

Well Simona my wife is working hard to keep everybody afloat. She is the head of our household, she has been it for the past four years, since the time of my accidents.
She is doing everything with grace and she does not spare any every of her in doing things that she believe are worth doing it.
In the mist of this activities she ends up sleeping very little but always managing to come up on top.

Enjoy the reading.
Buon Onomastico Simona

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