Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday October 9 2014

yesterday I went to the gym as we had cycle with Angie. As there were no cycle available I run on the treadmill. I like running so it was better that way.  I like running anyway as I am more stable on my feet I have a blast every time I can run. I run smoothly a couple of miles up to 5.4 mile an hour.

Before leaving Angie had time to stop by for a picture with me. Angie is a really sweet person and a big fun of mine. Angie is the person with the pink bandanna next to me. I am the one with the red shirt. She told me that the other day she went to interpret for the Vice President who was visiting Kern county.

She told me she had a great time over there. 

Whenever I see her at the gym she has time to stop by and to snap a picture with me.
So it has become an habit of ours to snap pictures together.

After ward we had body pump with Silvia. I worked hard and then it was time to go.
Robert did my coverage at the gym. It was then time to leave but before coming back to the apartment I asked Robert to snap a picture of me.. so here it is.

Before going to bed I had a "spuntino' which is a snack..with Simona my wife. I kissed her goodnight and went to bed.

This morning I wake up early as usual and had breakfast with my family and Sarah my Case Manager

It is all good we are a family and as a family we are getting thought this Little adventure of mine.

Today at the clinic we went to do CR with Zeina at a local Starbucks.We did PT for the mind. Zeina is very supportive as usual and forgiving on my effort.

Back at the clinic I had my PT session ... running on the treadmill.  I run smoothly increasing gradually my speed. 

I have reached 5.7 mile per hour and hit the two miles threshold  again.
Part of my therapy is to run faster and steadier. And I am happy to run whenever I can.

After running I took a cold shower as I need to cool down for the rest of the day. Whenever I run it took a while for me to cool down.
Well, enjoy the reading.
Thanks you Sarah and CNS.

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