Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Luminosity March 31

While their cooking club is going on.. I am frankly tired of it.. I am working on CR

In my opinion more useful that your cooking group..


post lunch ...HELL on Earth

This place in HELL in place...

I an fully tired of being prisoner at CNS.. hence I am fully refusing every cooking group activities.. I know how to cook by myself.. I know it and I like to cook by myself.. the other are the other ..

I respecfully reject Yolanta Baraboski fun  activities.. as my fun whenever I go out from this  place..


there are in fact many awful person in this hell, many awful rejected of the human genesis..

I am tired tired tired..
Sarah Guitierrez, Yolanta Baraboski...

Allow me go get the hell out of this place...

Please... please or I am digging myself out of this HELL...

Tuesday March 31 2015

I have prepared staffed peppers with a fruit salad when I came back yesterday back to the apartment.
As mentioned before this is not the place I have chosen to be it is my recovery facilities and at the same time my hospital..

I stay there as little as possible.. as I do no like it. At the same time I do no like either to be at CNS nor for that matter at AAC.. 

It is something very mundane.

The staffed peppers came out OK this time. They were a bit overcooked so I have cut it in halves and refilled with pesto to moist a bit more.
I also made a fruit salad..

Afterward I went to the gym 

I went to do Zumba with Suzy her pictured at my left hand side.

With me I had Natashia that waited for me to be ready for the gym.

She patiently waited for me to be done and finally she took me back to the apartment.

After a shower and a quick banana (full of potassium) I got my meds and went to bed it was past 10pm.

I nevertheless  had a good sleep and wake up very well rested.. 

This morning  I had a good breakfast, based on milk, Kefir, cottage cheese, brain flakes and blueberries. A couple of cups of coffee.

Simona took our kiddos to school: as mentioned already before Lapo is attending Kindergarten and Chicco is attending IV grade, They both go to La Canada Elementary School. It is a very good public school in the place where we leave.
La Canada is one of the most affluent county in California. Property takes are according to the standard of the community.
Over there you seldom meet people swearing like at CNS, seldom see people smoking in public,, unlike at CNS smoking is wifely supported and allowed...
You know my position about this local policy.

Anyway I asked Amanda a word with my own doctor as I am fully tired of being second guessed on everything I am doing at CNS... So here it is CNS... I respectfully request to get a word with you.

 You see guys I am fully  focus on what matter to me.. that is in getting our from this place forgotten by GOD and by any single gesture of human being.

The competitive landscape here is not so competitive there are remnant of what what to be human people.. perhaps very little of human is left at CNS..

Enjoy the reading.. and please show me that you have received the message..

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday March 30 2015

Last Friday as usual I went to the gym to have Zumba with Honey here picture with the pink shirt at my left hand side.

Michael was gratuitous to provide the coverage for me at the gym.

this is Jared at the gym

Afterward we came back to the apartment.

On Saturday I have received my Economist .. smart people tends to read smart magazines...

On Saturday morning I took care of cleaning the whole apartment, changing the bedding and washing around kitchen, bathroom. I have been dusting everything as dust accumulates around.

I have been also vacuum cleaning and washing everything.

I then went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's 

As usual I had a lot of fun.
This is Cloy 

This is Ashley

This is the bunny beer they have been preparing for Easter.

Obviously not for me...but good for a picture.

I brought the reusable bags back  so I had a ticket for the raffle.

Finally I also had stickers to distribute around.

Overall I spent $84.53  I did my best to limit my spending spree.

I then made  a home pizza: I have been using the pizza dough I had,then added the grilled eggplant I had prepared earlier.
I used the pizza sauce I purchased at the grocery store.

The pizza stone this time was really hot when I added the pizza on it. It cooked 15 minutes and then it lifted off really well. I used the peeler showed in the picture above..
A perfect pizza.. Thank you Bob and Simona for helping me achieving this milestone.

Later during the day Simona came by with our kids. She also came with our new car.
It is a brand new Honda CRV as the previous Honda broke down after 350,000 miles.

Stefano is a professor at UCLA and a very good friend, he is always available to help us.

After the miovie we went to California Pizza Kitchen.

Our kids got a tasty dinner (Pasta)

I had a good Salmon fish, with a Quinoa Salad with Corn and spinach.

At home Anna my mother in law was staying back as she was arrived from Italy from a few days.
She is going tom stay with us for the next couple of months.

She is taking care of the family and Simona is able to travel. She is going to attend a workshop at Yale. She has been invited to be there at  the mid of February.

My wife Simona is a Assistant Professor of Environmental  Science and Engineering at Caltech University. She has a very good job and she has to attend many conferences and many workshops in order to keep her star shining in the sky.

She does everything with a lot of grace and a lot of good will.

They all left on Saturday evening off to go back to La Canada, a couple of hours away from Bakersfield.
 On Sunday  then she took our kiddos to swimming lesson.

As I was at the apartment I took the opportunity to write a Easter wish letter to my mom back in Italy.

On Sunday  I also went to the gym to do some strengthening: ;leg, abdominal, some walking for long stride..
It was a quite day to go to the gym.. I have enjoyed myself.

I then went back to the apartment to get ready for my day. 
Shower, Meds, early dinner and church as it was Palm Sunday.

Mark drove us to church and then later back from the apartment.

Enjoy the reading .. sincerely

Friday, March 27, 2015

Riddle for Friday March 27

Riddle of the day

Q: What is as big as you are and yet does not weight anything?

A: Shadow.

I confess my first answer was The Soul. It is as intangible as a shadow thought.

March 27 Friday with money management update

Yesterday I have received a card from my sister Isabella.

The card is about the museum built by famous architect  Gehry  B. 

Isabella leaves in Dusseldorf, Germany.
She is the Principal of a fashion textile company: Isabella Rossi Fabric Concept.
She has build the businesses by herself.

It was a nice gesture of her. I have appreciated it a lot.

Isabella has also started a clothing line for Yoga.

Yesterday evening it was a Thursday and as usually I went to the 24 fitness gym to dance Zumba with Mike.

I have enjoyed myself and greeted all the Bakersfield people I have become acquainted with.

At the gym I went with Nyetasha's coverage.
She stayed with me and yesterday she had no gym clothes with her so she waited for me at the reception.
After Zumba it was time for us to go back to the apartment.. I had to take a shower and get ready for the evening.

This morning I had a very healthy a good breakfast as usual.
Lessening to NPR radio that is always on-going in my apartment as I really like the news of the world.

Enjoy the reading.. it is getting a bit hectic around..

Yesterday Renee ( my RTC) mentioned that I am going trough a new procedure for money management. I will turn in the receipt at the apartment on Wednesday (day for booking the movie as well) and get my money at the apartment on Thursday...
Thank you Renee.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26 post lunch

Riddle of the day

Q: how many months have 28 days?
A: all

Q: how do you make the number ONE disappear?
A: put a letter G in front and it is GONE!

At the  AAC and I got my good meal. Tilapia with green peppers, broccoli flower, tostadas.

I went to brush my teeth but found out that I had forgotten the toothpaste.
Amanda gave me some.. I need to make sure I have it for tomorrow.
Clearly I forgot to put it back after changing the tooth brush  last night. I will make sure that I have some for tomorrow.

Earlier today I called Lapo at home, he was playing and had a good lunch.
At home with him there was Marina our family nanny.
She has been with us since Lapo was one year old.. right now he is turning 6.

Wednesday March 25

Yesterday I came back to the apartment and prepared my dinner.

Simona sent me this picture of our new car. It is a Honda CRV like the one we had before.

Simona went to the dealer with Stefano a good friend of our family.

Stefano helped Simona with the negotiation and they were able to get a good deal.

So now we have a brand new car... very safe very efficient.

While it was cooking I have been making a Happy Birth Day Card for Lapo. He is turning six on the first of the month.

I cooked Broccoli and prepared Tilapia with Green Pepper on the top.

Afterward I  went to the gym to do cycle with Angie.
Kyle drove me over there.

This morning with Amanda we went to the near by store.
I purchased some present for my family: for Lapo, Simona and Chicco. We are all set.

Amanda helped me a lot today so I really thank her for her good heart.

It is time for me to eat.
Thank you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lunch outside

As usual I am eating outside alone by myself away from all the population of CNS.. I like it that way..I like cooking my own food, eating my own food and be done by myself.

Although you consider this THERAPY, with a capital T,  I  consider it leaving a nightmare..

I don't dream at night.. I have nightmare during the day...

Hence I like to give the back to everybody and to all your kind population of 

Complaints to CNS

Dear Director of CNS, dear Case Manager and RTC,
I am writing a formal email of complaint to you all for being forced to share my place with your population of CNS.. I am subjected to people's screaming (yes  Mr B. screams regularly)  I am subject to mister K. Swearing ( every other words it is a F- word)  

Hence I would like to have a proper and human place to be recovering rather than the hospital that you call the CNS and hence the CNS AAC..

I am not sure you understand the point as I am never seen you pocking in this place forgotten by any human features  that would be called like that..

I am formally complaining about the CNS policy directive and instruction..

Please forward this complaint to Mark Ashley and all CNS personnel with my name and title.

Frankly I am appalled by your  low standard of care and I am appalled by your insouciance of this matter... 

AAC is still a prison for me with a population that is worth of a prison.. many inmate with many defects and many faults.. please commute my sentence rather than be condemned at life in prison allow me to escape..


Dr Giuseppe Rossi

I don't need to add my CV .. I am sure you have it handy.

Wednesday March 25th

Yesterday evening I went to the 24 fitness gym.

I went over there and did cycle with Karen. She is the lady at my right hand side.

Before leaving I snapped a picture of Charity.. She understands that  I need to repeat to remember things.

Tasha took me to the gym hence I acknowledge her work.

Our kiddos had piano lesson yesterday. Liz came to our home to help both Chicco and Lapo.

Soon is going to be Lapo Birthday, he is turning 6 years old. Chicco is 9 years old.

Lapo has already started his wish list.. Simona my wife is going to figure out what he really needs for his birthday.

My morning breakfast has been obviously balanced and very rich with milk, blueberry, flakes, yogurt, peanut butter and honey...

This morning  Jarron was prompt in fixing my nose.. As it is fixed for today I am feeling much better.

My wife Simona has taken our boys to school and today she is going to the car dealer with a friends of ours (Stefano) .

I am sure Simona is following what I would do: try to buy the same model car (Honda),  the last year model (it is also the cheapest available) and also the one that is more likely to get a discount from the dealer.

A car is always a car, useful to go from point A to point B. The reliability of a car is important.
I am fully confident my wife Simona shares the same approach with my view.

Simona mentioned that she is going to bring the kids with her only at the last round of the negotiation to let them choose the colour of the car.

I know Simoncina you are doing all the best for our family.
Mon amour this day is really for you to play and have some fun.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday March 24 post lunch

Before lunch we had a good meditation session with Matt.

We talked about Mindfulness. It means keeping in mind something in the present moment. 
The breath is the perfect spot to do mindful meditation. Hence as long as we can breath we can do meditation anywhere, even now that I am writing to you I am focusing on my mediation skills.
Matt mentioned that the mind has to settle down and then we become aware of the feeling. We can therefore investigate our feeling.
So thank you Matt for your kindness and compassion.

After meditation  I had my wonderful lunch outside under the patio.
As usual this is the way I like to take my break..
Alone and under the patio. Sometime I see a cat over there.

My lunch: a wonderful integral penne pasta with pesto and Parmesan, a staffed pepper that I have been preparing the other day.

An Avocado with water.

Finally after brushing my teeth I had a lot of coffee.

This is the picture of the day outside... a nice day outside.. indeed.

I like it that way, hence I am doing it that way... I like to prepare my own food and to eat outside.

I talked to Simona over lunch. Our youngest son's birthday is coming up.

Lapo is an April fool's boy and he is turning 6 years.

Simona mentioned that Lapo has already compiled his wish list for his present.
His wish list is more than 500 items long.. this means he has a large hope of receiving something for his party...
I need to do some CR work.

Tuesday March 24th

Today's Riddle of the day:

Q: What can you catch but not throw?
A: A cold..

Yesterday I came back at the apartment and cooked for the evening.

I  have been preparing Quinoa. I made a vegetable broth with bullion as a base for the Quinoa.

I had also some chicken tenders that need to be cooked. I seasoned it    with pepper, garlic cloves and garlic powder and a bit of salt.

I cooked in the pants and it came out just as perfect as it could be.
Of course I have been cooking while lessening to NPR radio.

After a quick dinner I went to the 24 fitness gym as it was my Yoga evening. Erica my yoga teacher is at my left hand side.

I greeted Charity a new face at the gym and she allowed me to snapped a picture of her smile.

Afterward it was time for me to leave and to go back to the apartment.

Alexis drove me to the gym with the big bus.
It is a great way to travel in style.

After Yoga it was time to go back home. Eat the shower and the usual shut down procedure for the evening.

This morning I woke up early as usual.. my body is used to wake up at 6am..
I can not stay in bed past that time.
I had a good breakfast .. fulfilling as usual.

Blueberry, brain flakes, yogurt, Oatmeal, bread with honey and peanut butter. Finally a couple of cups of  Coffee.

I washed everything by hand (California has been in a drought for the 4th straight year).

I called Simona my wife, she mentioned that she brought our kiddos to school.

Chicco is attending IV grade while Lapo is in Kindergarten. They both  go to La Canada Elementary School. It is a very good Public School near our home in La Canada.

At the beginning of April, it is Lapo's birthday. He is an April Fool boy.

Simona mentioned that Lapo has already started to make the present list for his Birthday.
Simona mentioned that Lapo is working really hard at his birthday's present list and that he is always finding something new to add to it. 

As usually today I went down to to visit James and to hung around him. 

I told him my TV needs and HD upgrade and of course he provided me with the latest available gizmo:
A bright yellow stickers providing HD connection. I have promptly added it to the TV.

I am sure that it is the one I needed.. you see in life you always have to ask to the right people..:)

This morning at the AAC I Have returned to Amanda the driving book.. it is Obvious to me that I will not be able to drive anymore...

In a bit I am going with Matt at the Mediation..
Good for the brain..

Monday, March 23, 2015

Post lunch posting Acceptance

I had a wonderful lunch outside under the patio.
I had a good staffed pepper, a kale salad and water.

Next to me was sitting a nice black and white cat.. she was relaxing and enjoying the nice day.

I called home and found nobody. I called Simona and got a hold of her while she was on  her lunch break. She is always available for me..

I am OK, I am not worried about my kiddos today... if they are not concerned about reaching me.. I am accepting it.

I never have a phone call nor a letter from the ones that I used to consider being my children.

Obviously for them I am somebody to forget about. it has been four year since my accident.   I have been trying to reach them.. yet not has come back from them.

Despite my efforts and my reaching to them.. I have ACCEPTED they are fine the way they are..

And guess what I am fine myself after four years of time.. they are  a fading memory for me as well... no signs and nothing..

Well if this is not acceptance, what it is then?

Well. let's not perseverate on this matter.. and move on..

Great suggestion and great sensation of being beyond the wall of grace.

Riddle of the day

Q: What has hands but can not clap?

A: A clock

Monday March 23 posting

It is a nice day here in Bakersfield. The weather is getting warm.

I had a lot of fun over the past weekend.
On Friday evening as usual I went to the gym as it was my Zumba time with Honey. She is the lady at my right hand side. The other ladies in the picture are other Zumba persons at the 24 fitness gym.

Before leaving I met Larry and Janice ( the two smiling faces of this sephie)

Larry and Janice are always good friends of mine and they are always ready to crack me up.
At the gym Chanel took me this time. She is a sup of CNS.. so we had no time for stopping to any place and it was time for me to get back to the apartment to get ready for the evening.

On Saturday morning, I did all the cleaning and washing of the apartment that I normally do over the weekend. I like to leave in a clean apartment. As there is quite a lot of dust being accumulated I spend a lot of time cleaning all the surfaces.
I particularly spend time to clean my bathroom.
Later in the morning I went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

As usual I had a lot of fun . This is Ashley with the flower composition I have brought for Jamie -one of the store workers over there. She must have been busy with her daughter Delaney or her son Logan.

Anyway I left  at the store the flowers for her.

Before leaving I snapped a picture with Canvas as well. 
She is used at my getting around the shop snapping pictures with everybody.

I spent about $109. I have brought the reusable bags so I have been given a ticket for the raffle for Simona my wife. I have also been collecting stickers that I have already started distributing around.

I have received the latest Economist that I have been started reading outside under the patio.

During the morning I have been  cooking staffed peppers.

I staffed with Turkey ground meat, eggs, bread crumbs. I have been seasoning everything with salt, pepper and parsley. I found that when I am using my hands to squeeze everything together, the filling comes out far better. It is better mixed and better mushed .

I have been cooking in the oven at 350F for 40 minutes and then broil it for the last 10 minutes.

While the staffed peppers were cooking I have been preparing a drawing for Lapo our youngest kid.

He went to play tennis with Simona early in the morning, while Chicco the eldest went to play tennis in the afternoon.

As our 15 years Honda CRV broke down over the weekend I made a drawing for a new car for our kiddos.

Simona confirmed that the car is done for good and she needs now a new family car. She mentioned that she is going to get either another Honda CRV or a Toyota. 
Simona mentioned that she is going to shop for a new car together with Stefano S.

Stefano is a good friend of our family and he is very well versed in handling the car dealer negotiation. I am sure that both Simona and Stefano are going to do a good job together.

In the afternoon I went to the movie   I watched the movie: The gunman.
It is a movie with Sean Penn and it is a story about a person that is surviving its PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) with a lot of hardship and courage.

It is a great movie about love tenderness and courage.

This is my comment right after the movie:

Despite any difficulties of live the bond between two people that live each other is stronger than anything.
Mon amour this movie is dedicated to you. I watched it and thought a lot about Simona my wife.

I then went back to the apartment and slept well.
On Sunday morning I woke up early as usual.

At 11 am I went to the gym  with Norberto.
As there is no class I did the Stepper - per the recommendation from Spider my skying instructor.

I worked hard and in fact I felt it was a great exercise for me and for my legs. 
So thank you Spider for pointing this exercise for me.

On Sunday evening it was time for me to go the church. Over there the was Father Maurice here picture at my left hand side who was selling his book of prayers. I have purchased a copy and snapped this picture with him.

I have purchased the book for my family to read it together with Chicco our eldest son.
Father Maurice is a nice person so God is always working in His mysterious way..