Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday March 3 2015

Yesterday I came back to the apartment and collected my Economist issue for the week.
It has started arriving on Monday.

While I was at home I have been cooking my favorite recipe: Staffed Peppers..

As I was cooking yesterday I did not go to do Yoga at the gym.

While I was cooking Mark came to my apartment to do my coverage.

I have been preparing staffed peppers:  the staffing is with  summer squash rice I made earlier, I mixed it with ground turkey and bread crumble. A couple of eggs to provide the gluing ingredient. Then I have been adding a tad of salt, black pepper and Oregano.

I mixed everything, staffed the peppers. I used coconut oil to provide some healthy greasing for the pas  and let it cook in the oven for 45 minutes at 300F. For the last 10 minutes I set the oven to broil to brown the top of the staffed peppers.
As I had some staffing leftover I  cooked it  alone on a side pan ( the left hand one in this picture). On the top I sprinkled some Parmesan cheese.

Our kiddos went to Taekwon do 

Yesterday in the afternoon I went to the new clinic for Money management.
Clara handed over to me the Money for two weeks:  $150 for grocery and $45 for outing.

I am pretty food with the latter while for the grocery I always have to integrate with Simona's money.

This is Sarah my awesome Case Manager. She has been my Case Manager for the past 3 years, I have been at CNS since January 2012, ie for the past 3 years.

We talked mostly about her kiddos as I have brought her stickers for her youngest son Ian. 

Ian is now 7. Elisha and Mason are both 14 and are a few months apart.

Sarah mentioned that Ian has always various and creative homework to do.

She gave me a few examples of Ian's big fantasy and of her working with him to make sure he is staying on track.
It is similar to the Situation of our youngest son Lapo now 5.5 years old. Lapo has a big fantasy and he is always coming up with very original homework to do.

Chicco our eldest son is fully autonomous in doing his homework. He is been couched thought by Anna my mother in law. Overall he is fully capable of doing his own staff.

This is the result of my Therapeutic Home Program cooking class. You can see on the left the fully cooked staffed peppers and on the right hand side the cooked staffing that was left in itself and I could not fit with any of the peppers.

As I mentioned many time I like cooking with gusto and being independent with my food. I am fully knowledgeable on how to cook healthy - courtesy of Steve  the CNS fitness guru.

This morning I have been doing my good breakfast

On the positive note  I am happy seeing Tom today here he is really happy and cheerful.
Enjoy the reading

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