Friday, March 13, 2015

Riddle of the day March 13

Riddle of the day:
 what has a foot but no legs?

--Answer: a Snail
As usual I had lunch outside under the patio. A wonderful chicken things, with Tostadas and a healthy spinach salad with avocado and chia seeds.

You see the weather is so great outside during this time of the year.

Over lunch I called Simona who was going to eat with her group.
I called home and found Chicco, the phone line was not great but it worked out alright.

It was good to  gather the following information: everybody will be at Big Bear for a sky trip starting tomorrow until March the 18th.
I just wished somebody  in my near family would  get proactive around there and would remember that I do exists as well.. ,..

Well,,, it is better that way.. as long as I don't exist I can not be found...It is OK..the wish of the wicket is the weakest in the link

Well Acceptance of being the wicket is clearly a wonderful feeling.

Carrying on..
Let me do some CR work...
Enjoy your reading.


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