Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday March 12 2015

Riddle of the day.. courtesy of the internet 

It stalks the countryside,
with ears that cannot hear.
What is it? 


This morning I signed a card for Larry who is going to get discharged tomorrow..Ad majora

Going back to yesterday, first of all I prepared myself a pasta ragu with the turkey ground beef I had available. I finely sliced some carrots, tomatoes, celery and parsley,

I prepared as well a side of Spinach, tomatoes, Chia Seeds, dressed with Italian Oil and vinegar.

As usually I eat alone lessening to NPR, then I  went to the gym. to work out.
As I was getting ready we had a bogus fire drill.. with the parade of the local population in the park and the even more amusing showing of the big truck of the local fire Fighters..All courtesy of the Kern County  Government.
Obviously it has been a great fun assembling everybody in the park and seeing the local sups running back and forth as chicken with a cut head.

This is to say so much for the bogus bogus exercise... obviously It would be better to get it if it was not a parade and assembly of the local population.. 
My wife keeps telling that fire drills happen as well at her University. The different is that at her University there are mostly  normal people and she does not have to put up with the show as similar to mine.. I let only imagine what a satisfaction is to walk in the park among everybody else.. smokers included.

At the gym as as result of the mayhem caused by the fire drill I went late.. so I will not put any images of it as I have  taken.. not worth it...
I did my body pump with SIlvia.. a good work out.  Among normally behaving people.. this is why I like the gym so much. I like as well going to the gym by myself among the normal people of Bakersfield..

Afterward CNS called  me back on duty to my prison  where I have hard time staying enchained to.

Yesterday I had two really nice nurses in the form of Darla and Victoria. You see I am in a place with a lot of nice nurses around. 

This morning I did my staff alone as usual and get my breakfast along as usual by lessening to NPR.

I am used to this routine as for the past years I have been aging along this line. You see I am calling aging as there no way I am going to  gain my own purpose in life..

As it is recalled at CNS .. you get screwed once and you are screwed for ever. It reminds me of the following  a book " Harry Potter and prisoner of Azkaban "

This morning at the Enrichment Center it is the usual cacophony ( you my want to check Cacos and Phone, I am giving a hint.. it is from the Greek)
 I am sure you might understand what I mean if you make the effort of following.

Enjoy the reading I am working on my CR .. remember the prisoner of Azkaban..

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