Monday, March 16, 2015

Post lunch entry Monday March 16

I had a wonderful lunch. As usual I had my break outside under the patio. The day is really nice and the temperature is getting warmer and warmer.

This is a view of the trees outside.

My lunch: Ragu Tortellini pasta, then a healthy Spinach Salad with Chia seed, Kumato tomatoes and baked eggplant.
To complete my lunch I had a couple of clementine oranges.

Over lunch I called my wife. She was busy with the boys.  Right now the boys are in Spring break and the whole family is on the slope at Big Bear.

 Later I called my mom in Italy (Skype has enabled communication wold wide, sometime the quality is better than other). My mom mentioned that last night she was in such a pain and she took a new pill. The result is that today the pain has disappeared and she feels really well.
I guess she has found the magic bullet that works for her.
I am glad she is feeling better and that my boys are enjoying their Spring break vacation.

I am going to work  on my CR 

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