Monday, March 9, 2015

Saturday March 7 first posting

I am starting again.

I went to the walk for thoughts on Saturday.
It was organized at the local Kern County Museum.

It was organized very well and a lot of people were there.

I won a raffle extraction : a basket full of Italian produce, then a key for my heart for Simona and a few simple toys for our kids.

At the walk I met Erica-sama with her daughter Sunn and  Jesse her husband

We went to Barnes and Noble afterward.

The kids had fun picking up and looking around a few things.

Simona snapped a few pictures of the wish list for Lapo. This is a very well technique of her to keep the boys's wish list under control.

We went to eat at the local California Pizza Kitchen where the boys had pizza.

I had salmon fish, with Quinoa and Feta Salad.

Finally it was time for them to leave.

On Sunday Chicco had a football match so he was busy.
I  did cook summer squash risotto
After lunch I went to the gym to walk a bit a doing some strength training for my leg, muscle of the back and of abdominal.

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