Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday March 4th posting

Yesterday at the apartment I have been preparing a good  recipe and also I have been   writing a good positive letter  to both Chicco and Lapo in English and block letters.

I know that Chicco is an avid reader of my letters, Lapo will be able to enjoy them in a few years.

The conclusion  of the letter  reads "Dear Chicco and Dear Lapo I truly believe we are blessed.  with
Love Dad"

Chicco is now 11 years old and attends 4th grade, while Lapo is 5.5 years old and attends Kindergarten. They both go to La Canada  Elementary School. 
This is a picture of their school as it appears on the web.

As usual when I was writing to my family the  food was cooking. I made stuffed mushroom. I made the  stuffing  with bread crumble, mixed with olive oil, some garlic powder, oregano and a tad of salt.

It has been baking in the oven for 20 minutes and during the last 10 minutes the broil provided a delicious crust. Hence you see I like to cook by myself, and I am always coming up with good recipes that tastes really good and are healthy.
Of course I used coconut oil to provide some high temperature resistance oil to the baking pans.

Coconut oil is a very good ingredient to keep handy whenever you are cooking, it has a very high smoking point and it is a very healthy source of harmless saturated fat. It has an extremely positive effect on the brain.

After cooking it was time for me to go to the gym for bootcamp with Johnny. I worked hard, at my best. After boootcamp it was time to do U-Jam with Naomi.. a fun and good cardio exercise very close to Zumba.

I had fund as usual working out at the gym.

At the gym I met Tigi, her husband Samir and Jenna.

Jenna is a very nice person that is always greeting me whenever we met at the gym. She shakes my hand and she tells me Hi Joseph.

I showed her the picture of my family and she showed me her son who is growing up strong and healthy. Right now he is 2 years old.

At 7pm it was time for me to go back home. And Kyle got worried as he could not find me at the gym while I was getting ready for leaving. He finally found me and we came back to the apartment.

Shower a snack and my  night medications  (Divalproex, Melatonine, Trazodone) was next in order.

As I was getting ready for bed I  took a snap shot of my family thanking Simona for everything she is doing for the whole family.

This morning I wake up at 6:30am  to get ready for my day.

I got ready for the day

I had a good breakfast.. a nice and healthy source of vitamin, carbs and fiber. The honey provides  a very good source  non refined  sugar and carbs.  The peanut butter is a good source of Protein, fat and vitamin B12. 

Of course I had my black coffee.  I had everything having in front of me Simona my wife, Sarah G. my Case Manager at CNS.

I washed everything by hands ( using my hands is very good for my coordination) besides it saves water and spares the waste of electricity.

I run the dish washer once in a while when I feel I a good reason for running it.

I greeted Jarron  and he told me that his wife as 6 days to go before Junior their son will be born.. so he  is in  count down mode.

Enjoy the reading I am going to do some CR work.

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