Thursday, March 5, 2015

Post lunch entry

A good day to eat outside in the patio as usual.
This is the nice day

this is my nice lunch. While I was enjoying my lunch a cat came over to check out the environment.

Over lunch I called home and talked to Lapo our little one he was having pasta with Broccoli.
Marina - our Nanny- was at home with him.

I have also called my mother in Italy. She was relaxing at home and taking care of her self.
She mentioned that her legs are giving her some problems when she walks long distance.
I remember her enjoying very much walking on the hillside across my home town Verona.
Something that she is not able to do any longer right now. She has accepted this aspect of her life.

We both laughed about the cacophony of CNS.. particularly at night the cacophony rises up to the apex. As they say they let everybody screaming and yelling at night. Actually there are many dramma queen at CNS.. everybody is screaming for something.. As Benigni says we all scream for Ice cream,,

I had good time talking to  my mom, she was asking about Lapo and Chicco our two sons and about their life. I mentioned that they are always busy.  I am feeling a bond to my mom so that I am picking up the phone and calling her. Also I am writing to her sometime. Neither of these things happen with my boys .. I have accepted it and I cope very well with it. Lowering one's expectation is key in life to be able to move ahead. On the other way I am talking over the phone with my family as much as I can.  Clearly this regime is working very well.

Already the plan for today is that I will have to do my grocery shopping on Friday hence today I am going to make the grocery list.

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