Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday March 11 post lunch

I had my really good food outside as usual. Even if today it was windy.. I like it that way.

I had a good summer zucchini risotto with baked Tilapia. I  added some green bell pepper stripes and capers to my Tiliapia.

After lunch we went to Foods Co. with Amanda to buy the grocery for tomorrow's Fruit Salad. 
We purchased a lot of fresh fruit and some on a can. The plan is to mix it with some Yogurt and cream cheese.    We spend $32.18 in line with our budget.

Afterward  we put away the grocery in the fridge for the cooking club.

It was then time for our Yoga lessons with Amy. I brought for  her two daughters Madison and Olivia a nice letter and some stickers. 

I am writing to them about my family and about my day as when I am writing to my two sons.
It is a nice gesture of courtesy.
I like working hard on Yoga as it is a nice way to complete my day of therapy.

I am doing Yoga as well at the 24 fitness  gym with Erica. It is far more advanced than what we do her at CNS.

I am working over there hard on my equilibrium.
My plan today is to go to the gym but before doing it I need to book my movie outing for this Saturday.
Stay busy stay active.. this is the secret sauce of life.

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