Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday March 24th

Today's Riddle of the day:

Q: What can you catch but not throw?
A: A cold..

Yesterday I came back at the apartment and cooked for the evening.

I  have been preparing Quinoa. I made a vegetable broth with bullion as a base for the Quinoa.

I had also some chicken tenders that need to be cooked. I seasoned it    with pepper, garlic cloves and garlic powder and a bit of salt.

I cooked in the pants and it came out just as perfect as it could be.
Of course I have been cooking while lessening to NPR radio.

After a quick dinner I went to the 24 fitness gym as it was my Yoga evening. Erica my yoga teacher is at my left hand side.

I greeted Charity a new face at the gym and she allowed me to snapped a picture of her smile.

Afterward it was time for me to leave and to go back to the apartment.

Alexis drove me to the gym with the big bus.
It is a great way to travel in style.

After Yoga it was time to go back home. Eat the shower and the usual shut down procedure for the evening.

This morning I woke up early as usual.. my body is used to wake up at 6am..
I can not stay in bed past that time.
I had a good breakfast .. fulfilling as usual.

Blueberry, brain flakes, yogurt, Oatmeal, bread with honey and peanut butter. Finally a couple of cups of  Coffee.

I washed everything by hand (California has been in a drought for the 4th straight year).

I called Simona my wife, she mentioned that she brought our kiddos to school.

Chicco is attending IV grade while Lapo is in Kindergarten. They both  go to La Canada Elementary School. It is a very good Public School near our home in La Canada.

At the beginning of April, it is Lapo's birthday. He is an April Fool boy.

Simona mentioned that Lapo has already started to make the present list for his Birthday.
Simona mentioned that Lapo is working really hard at his birthday's present list and that he is always finding something new to add to it. 

As usually today I went down to to visit James and to hung around him. 

I told him my TV needs and HD upgrade and of course he provided me with the latest available gizmo:
A bright yellow stickers providing HD connection. I have promptly added it to the TV.

I am sure that it is the one I needed.. you see in life you always have to ask to the right people..:)

This morning at the AAC I Have returned to Amanda the driving book.. it is Obvious to me that I will not be able to drive anymore...

In a bit I am going with Matt at the Mediation..
Good for the brain..

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