Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday March 31 2015

I have prepared staffed peppers with a fruit salad when I came back yesterday back to the apartment.
As mentioned before this is not the place I have chosen to be it is my recovery facilities and at the same time my hospital..

I stay there as little as possible.. as I do no like it. At the same time I do no like either to be at CNS nor for that matter at AAC.. 

It is something very mundane.

The staffed peppers came out OK this time. They were a bit overcooked so I have cut it in halves and refilled with pesto to moist a bit more.
I also made a fruit salad..

Afterward I went to the gym 

I went to do Zumba with Suzy her pictured at my left hand side.

With me I had Natashia that waited for me to be ready for the gym.

She patiently waited for me to be done and finally she took me back to the apartment.

After a shower and a quick banana (full of potassium) I got my meds and went to bed it was past 10pm.

I nevertheless  had a good sleep and wake up very well rested.. 

This morning  I had a good breakfast, based on milk, Kefir, cottage cheese, brain flakes and blueberries. A couple of cups of coffee.

Simona took our kiddos to school: as mentioned already before Lapo is attending Kindergarten and Chicco is attending IV grade, They both go to La Canada Elementary School. It is a very good public school in the place where we leave.
La Canada is one of the most affluent county in California. Property takes are according to the standard of the community.
Over there you seldom meet people swearing like at CNS, seldom see people smoking in public,, unlike at CNS smoking is wifely supported and allowed...
You know my position about this local policy.

Anyway I asked Amanda a word with my own doctor as I am fully tired of being second guessed on everything I am doing at CNS... So here it is CNS... I respectfully request to get a word with you.

 You see guys I am fully  focus on what matter to me.. that is in getting our from this place forgotten by GOD and by any single gesture of human being.

The competitive landscape here is not so competitive there are remnant of what what to be human people.. perhaps very little of human is left at CNS..

Enjoy the reading.. and please show me that you have received the message..

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