Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Complaints to CNS

Dear Director of CNS, dear Case Manager and RTC,
I am writing a formal email of complaint to you all for being forced to share my place with your population of CNS.. I am subjected to people's screaming (yes  Mr B. screams regularly)  I am subject to mister K. Swearing ( every other words it is a F- word)  

Hence I would like to have a proper and human place to be recovering rather than the hospital that you call the CNS and hence the CNS AAC..

I am not sure you understand the point as I am never seen you pocking in this place forgotten by any human features  that would be called like that..

I am formally complaining about the CNS policy directive and instruction..

Please forward this complaint to Mark Ashley and all CNS personnel with my name and title.

Frankly I am appalled by your  low standard of care and I am appalled by your insouciance of this matter... 

AAC is still a prison for me with a population that is worth of a prison.. many inmate with many defects and many faults.. please commute my sentence rather than be condemned at life in prison allow me to escape..


Dr Giuseppe Rossi

I don't need to add my CV .. I am sure you have it handy.

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