Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday March 16 2015

Riddle of the day:
what has a thumb and four finger but is not alive : Answer A glove!

My family is on the slope of Mammoth. They kids have been tubing as well as skiing.
They are all guest of Suzanne Paulson. Suzanne is a professor at UCLA where Simona did her PhD.
She has a 10 year old boy that is playing a lot with our kiddos.

In this picture our boys are tubing.

Here is Lapo Tubing..

Our kids are in Spring Break. Everybody will be back home  either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Our kiddos like the snow and are having a lot of fun.
Once they are done at the end of the day they all relax in the car.
Lapo is taking advantage for a quick nap before dinner.

Over the weekend, I have been writing to both Chicco and Lapo (In English and Block letter)

For Lapo I have been preparing a simple list of simple English words that he can make exercise  for reading.

Beside reviewing the English Alphabet is also a good exercise for me. 

The drawing for Lapo Says :" For Lapo Love Dad"

Over the weekend the maintenance department helped me to get a tool to fix my screws.. as I felt I needed to tighten it.

So I had the correct tool available.

Last Friday I went to the gym and did Zumba width Honey.
Honey is the lady with the Hat at my left hand side.
The second lady at my left is Salvia.

Honey mentioned that her daughter Ararai is doing great.

On Saturday I washed everything for my bedroom.
I have been also washing the bed cover and all the pillows cover.

My bathrobe and all my towels. Being independent means taking initiative and I am taking all the initiative I can find appropriate.

In the morning I did Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's. It is a great place for me to shop..
Everybody knows me and I always have a lot of fun going there.
I spent $91.71 got everything I needed (But forgot to buy my cereal).
As usual as I have brought the reusable bugs I had tickets for the raffle.

This is Kenvas.

This is Monica.. always kidding with me.

Finally I was able to collect stickers for Ian, the youngest son of Sarah G.  my wonderful Case Manager at CNS. Sarah mentioned that she has 3 kiddos:
Ian is 7, Elisha will be 14 in April, Masson will be 14 in June.

Last time I talked to Sarah she mentioned that Ian had to make a drawing for school.. 
It is a drawing for an animal. He wanted to draw a dragon.. :) you see kid's fantasy is endless.

On Saturday evening I went to the movie at the Maya Cinema. I saw "Run all night". A nice action movie with Liam Neeson and Ed Harris. It is an  action packed movie.

It tells the story of a father that is very much concerned with his son's well being. I recognized my self in his fatherhood feeling that I have toward my kids.

As usual I snapped picture with two ladies over there.. they of course give me permission.

 On Sunday morning I have been making my own pizza I had purchased the dough at Trader Joe's.

I dressed the pizza with Baked eggplant that I have been making at the apartment. Also I have been adding the pizza sauce and the Burrata Cheese that I had available.

I have been cooking into the oven at 350F. I used the pizza stone (picture above) and under the pizza I have been using the corn meal that I had available.

My brother Francesco recommended me that  next time I am making the pizza I need to use a high temperature (so that the stone is really really hot).
I asked Renne and my housekeeping to get some Aluminum foil so that I can make sure that the pizza does not stuck to the stone.

After cooking This is the result of my Pizza day.. I am calling it Pizza a la Bob The Builder.

You see the Pizza Stone is a present From a friend of ours Bob ( Bob is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at UCLA). Lapo is very found of Bob and he calls him Bob the Builder.

On Sunday Afternoon at 2pm I went with Alexis to the gym. As I forgot to bring a towel I have purchased a new towel over there.

I did some strengthening exercise ..legs.. abdominal and some muscles.

At 2pm it was time for me to leave and to go back to the apartment.

I got cleaned up, med, dinners.
Eggs, spinach Burrata, Chia seeds carrot and sparkling water with some coffee on it.

later I went to church ( S. Francis).
It was the IV Sunday of Lent. 

At church I gather the following message: "With God we have to be humble".

Thefaith of the local community is very strong. As usual I greeted Amparo and her husband Mark that sing at  church.

Last night I slept well .. however in the middle of the night I had a dream. Simona my wife was calling me and she was drawing my attention by using my name  "Giuseppe".
Normally she calls me Amore mio and reserve my full name Giuseppe for when I am in trouble with her.
As I had clearly a  bad dream I went then to sleep.
Obviously it was a dream.

Time for lunch.

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