Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday March 13th 2015 TGIF

Yesterday it was a great day!
At the end of the therapy I run out and jumped the fence!  You see I like jumping a lot.. I can not stand being any longer trapped her at CNS.. hence I am jumping out at every possibility.. Candy mentioned that if I wanted to get out all I had to do is to ask her to open the door. I guess jumping across the fence is more fun.. Don't you agree with me?

This the the fence that I am talking about.

Afterward I went  back to the apartment...

Anyway  I have  prepared my own dinner: chicken things baked in the oven and a healthy salad - spinach, chia, cilantro, carrot. I had my dinner and then off again to the gym. Of course I was lessening to NPR as usual while cooking.  I like cooking and I am preparing always my own food.
Fully independent..of course.

Obviously CNS took me to take first of all  Ed C. at Edgwater.. The  senior and  frayed patient I am going to the gym with. ...Sic transit gloria mundi.

I did Zumba with Mike and afterward I did strength training with Leann,
At the strength training class I  was with Reyna and with  Cynthia

At the gym I am meeting all the normal persons of Bakersfield.. it is quite the opposite of being trapped at CNS..  the path for a meaningful recovery..I know I know.. 

Before leaving, I  kidded with Gerry with Jackie. Jackie is the smiling lady at the right hand side of this picture.
I like the bunny hears that Garry is making to her. Everybody at the gym kid with me and I like to kid with them. Yesterday I told them the riddle that I have learned at the Enrichment Center..
It goes a man jump out from an 11 story building and walk away. how is that possible? Answer he is jumping out from the first floor window. They both like it.

Of course after the gym we took home the senior person to Edgwater. He needs to be in bed first as he is clearly not in good shape..

I gave a sticker to Yvette for her daughter who is 9 month old.

I had my healthy breakfast alone as usual and with my NPR radio in the background.

Milk, Brain Flakes Cereal, blueberry, Oatmeal,  Peanut Butter, Honey and  Whole Grain Honey and Oat Bread... and of course my coffee. 

 A good balance of carb, protein, blueberry- vitamin and fat.

Then I walked to the maintenance guys. I am always kidding with them. Caesar, Brad, Jarron and James know me very well and they are all always kidding with me a lot. I return their joviality by goofing a lot with them. Hence we spend a good time by laughing in the morning.

Once in a while I am snapping a goofing picture with their tools.

My mom has seen this picture and she explained to me that I need to loose the screw on my left hand side rather than loosing the left hand side... you see I always take the suggestion of the people that are close to me at my heart.

The riddle I wrote today is : What has a foot but no legs? Answer a SNAIL!
Some CR work

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