Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July Paola's visit

Yesterday I had visitors : Paola Freddy , Sebastian and Johannes (the boys are in the picture below).
Paola is Simona's cousin, she comes from Rome. The whole family was on its way back from Rome

we went to eat at Apple bees here at the market place in Bakersfield. We asked if they could serve beer, but they did run out yesterday evening, so we had some apple juice. It is a good choice for a drink particularly healthier than this nasty drink..

Beside her visit with her family (which is already a big big present) Paola was kind to bring me a couple of book to read (about the political situation in Italy) then she brought me a couple of sport T-shirt. One green the other light blue. Both do match my eyes. By the way my eye are mine and are only for my wife.

After dinner we went for an ice cream at Cold Stone. The whole family is here.

While we were chatting Simona called us on the phone. It was early morning in Italy, Simona was really happy to call us and Paola, Freddie, and I greeted her for her grace and kindnesses.
Paola is as cheerful as Simona she is really looking like Simona my wife. She told me that when they were younger they were mistakenly considered sisters. I can see why.
Anyway I am cleaning the house, usual housecleaning of the Saturday morning.
After ward I will go to shopping and then movie.
Thank you CNS, Sarah, and to you my love Simona. 
Please be safe in Rome.
By the way I gave to Paola a letter for you, one for Chicco and a small drawing for Lapo. Paola mentioned that as they are leaving tomorrow to Rome, it was faster this way.
You know I write to you and to the boys every weeekend.


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