Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday July 16 2014

I keep working hard and getting better and stronger.

This morning I first things watered  my flowers, as it remind me of my love for my wife Simona.

I then add breakfast together with the persons that are close to me:
Simona my wife and Sarah my Case Manager.
Also I had a coffee in a mug shaped like a camera lens that Lygia  made me a present some time ago. I used to work with Lygia in my company before all these changes.
Anyway coffee surely tastes better in a mug like that and with Simona's picture on my side.


Yesterday   I have received two nice presents from Amy's daughters.  She has two girls Madison 5  and Olivia 3. I snapped a picture for their artwork that I appreciate very much.

In exchange I gave them today a nice letter with some nice artwork.  Amy mentioned to me that they are going to stick it  to their house's fridge.

Yesterday I went to the 24hours gym as I had nothing to buy for me at Wal-Mart.

I did snapped these pictures over there. The first one is with the gym manager Naomi
The second one is with Jarred who did our class, yesterday it was  boot camp.

Because of my memory deficit I normally snap pictures of my where about so that I can remember better the next day around.
Sonny took me to the gym yesterday so today I need to remember to say hi to Darlene from Sonny.
I have to say I love going at the gym as much as possible.
What CNS is doing for me is an amazing feeling and an amazing job. You see I really like working hard at CNS and as I am getting better and better it fine for me.
I can see myself getting stronger by the day.
Anyway I am with my favorite color: green! It matches my eyes.. which are for everyone that likes green, like my wife Simona.
 Yesterday I have prepared food for the next few days:

So today's lunch has been very yummy: Quinoa , chicken drumstick and Simona's tostadas.

Simona my wife is currently attending a workshop in France while our kids are in Bruxelles with Andrea, Simona's brother.
It is all well! At CNS I trust Sarah, my Case Manager and all NRS.
Trust is very important in life to move along.
Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.

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