Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13 2014

I the afternoon I had to report to my RTC my personal shopping list. I mentioned to her that I needed to buy tools for the James and Jarron. She laughed with me and asked me if I wanted to go to the gym instead.
She knows me quite well, so every time I would like to go to the gym I pull out from my brain something plausible but also totally off.. so Renee understands and she makes arrangement for me to go to the gym instead.

Alright, today in the afternoon I had a nice visit from Lester and David.
Lester is my boss and David a good friend of mine, he is a principal in a company for head hunting.
Lester is the person wearing orange -my favorite color- and David is the person sitting next to me with the back hat.

Lester is the CEO of the company where I am currently on  leave from and David is the head hunter that has been helping our company to build the team, he is a person knowledgeable of  the electronic industry and of all the available people around. He is a very skillful and resourceful  person. He  is also a good friend of mine.

For lunch at Taho Joe's I had a good Calamari (Squid) antipasto, clearly it shows that my family has been to Italy and has been transmitting to me the Calamari fever.  I enjoyed my calamari today.  Here I am with David

After Calamari I ventured on a Steak as I don't eat many time the steak I had a large one..This is why I appear happy to you! Good food and good company what do you want more from life?

Lester my boss is depicted in the picture below and had a good steak sandwitch

I also snapped a picture of Lani our waitress at Tahoe's Joe.

She has been really taking a good care of us.

She told me she remembered me as the last time I went there she was attending our table as well.
Lani confirmed to me that today they had run out of beer as well, needless to say we had a good coke. I caught her smiling at me  and I was grateful for her answer. We all had a good time.

At the end of the lunch we sat down together to snap a picture of us making the haywain salutation. 

You see I like to seat down with the local community to show I am a good and respectful person. In exchange I always have good adventure to report to you.

I have also took a last picture of Lester's corvette. It is a powerful and sturdy car. I think my wife Simona is going to buy me one as soon I go home...I will tell you more once I get there!

As today I was busy with my visitor I could not go to do recycle so the NRS from CNS went on my behalf instead. I will be going next time.They indicated to me that the money was available at the reception so when I checked in I collect the money which was ready for me.

Please enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed my writing to you.

Today is Sunday and I will be going to church. I typically go to S.Francis church on H street.

Thank you Sara and CNS for being so understanding and helpful to me.

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