Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday July 13 2014

it is a Sunday and I am at home as there is no clinic today, nevertheless I am working at my blog, to get things sorted out and  in order.
Yesterday  after doing the usual things in the morning (I have already posted about my adventures), in the evening  I had dinner with Simona in the form of a tasty burrata with tortellini. We love burrata, I know you would love it too. It is available at Trader Joe's. It is a soft Italian cheese  made with Buffalo milk. It is typical soft cheese from the Southern part of Italy. it the picture below the burrata is in the right hand side of the table in between the plate and the glass.

Switching to my adventure in the evening   I went to the Maya Movie Theater where I saw a nice movie called Begin Again

It is a nice movie of a relationship between a music producer played my  Mark Ruffalo and a young musician  played by Keira Knightely. She is a young artist very much unaware of her potential capabilities.

He is a seasoned executive of the music world capable of spotting a good talent among a dense fog. He manages to convince her to play her music in front of a special audience. As they are  in NYC it is really a suggestive setting being able to play your own music in the City .  He is also skillful  to  instill in her the self believe on her capabilities so  that she is able to break into the music world. In getting involved in this project Mark is also rediscovering his estranged wife and daughter. Keira is very much instrumental to make believing Mark in his family again.

As Keira is a free spirit she distributes her new music over the net for a $1 price. After all the production and distribution costs are gone to zero with the new model was capable to adopt.

It is a cover message to the music world for being too greedy ?

I think  it  was a nice movie about believing in yourself and having somebody that believe in yourself. I knew  it was a good movie, and I have enjoyed every single moment of it.

This morning I made myself a good breakfast using Chicco's little egg cooker. It came out really tasty. My case Manager Sara, was watching over me this time around. She is always present in my house. 

As today I have visitors for lunch I am going to be busy so I will not be able to do recycle. The CNS staff came by to pick it up on my behalf. I like to do recycle as it is always good to help others, but today I really could not male it.

I have cleaned to whole house already so I am working on my blog which is very useful for me.

My breakfast was completed with a good coffee mug shaped as a lens. It always tastes better with Simona's picture in the background. As Les my boss is reminding me, it is Simona that makes the coffee tasting that good. I have to say I am concurring with his opinion.

 Speaking of Simona she called me a few minutes ago, today the family is packing its belonging and it is going to fly to Brussels to visit Simona's brother Andrea. Our kids are going to stay in Brussels for a whole week while Simona is going to attend a conference in Holland. I just spoke to our kids. Chicco has been greeting me a lot telling me how well he has been staying in Rome, Italy. Lapo being Lapo mentioned that he was very busy this morning so he had time for a quick greeting. Whenever Lapo is busy, well he is busy for everybody so Chicco helps me by filling in the blank.

As mentioned before I will be having visitor for lunch and I think we are going to a local steakhouse called Tahoe Joe's, it is on Ming Avenue.

I think Sara will approve it since she is coming from Lake Tahoe. So In her honor I will suggest to go there.

A little thought for you Simona mon  amour, I own my being well to you as well. I am very proud of your grace and strength, you know I am very active in the local community and very well know around. They recognize me because of  my Caltech hat and because I have green-blue eyes both of which are in your heart
As usual I will tell all once we get there and in the next posting. I am always snapping a lot of picture around so you know exactly what I am doing. You see I have no secret for you. I know you stolen my heart once and this is fine for us. We are soul mates for life. Don't you agree with me? you are having the best part of me.. my brain and my heart belong to you.
Bisou Bisou

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