Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday July 3, 2014

it is my Education hour. As I have a TBI my brain is really recovering from my injury. I am really happy to have a TBI ad above all happy to be among my peers. I have a wonderful apartment that keeps me segregated from my home, so that everybody can go ahead with its own life, but me. I am checked on anything I do and everywhere I go.  The formal excuse of CNS is that they are checking on the other person, but it is a nice excuse. I accepted as acceptance is key to surrendering. I have been surrendering every single bit of my residual freedom to CNS. 
My life stopped a few years back, completely and suddenly, the life I had build for myself now is gone for ever. In fact I will never be able to go back were I belong to. Nobody want me back. It is alright I am used to be alone and staying alone, by myself better this way.

Yesterday I was able to go to the gym to do cycle with Angie. I am sure you know where the gym is located and who Angie is. After cycle I did body weight with Sylvia, I started loading the weight again. At the reception I greeted Naomi the manager, Lydian and Carlos. 
Angie is a nice lady that always smiles a lot to me, and as a result I smile back at her. She is a very nice person. Whenever we have the chance we talk about each other life. Lately we have not had a chance to talk a lot, just a quick smile and that is it.

At the gym I met Maria, I normally meet her at the gym and she helps me a lot. Kashi was also there. D wain has lost a lot of weight, he mentioned that his wife pasted away. Well, we all have to leave this earth soon or later. I am sure it is painful for him to be left alone. I am sure that his wife's love is fulfill his life even now

Naomi the manager mentioned that her family is back in town after the trip to visit her sister in Vegas.
Naomi has a 6 years daughter and a 5 year son.
 I am very comfortable being at CNS, where I can thrive and actually I would like never to leave this place as I get scared being in the community of the normal people. I am very comfortable being with my patient peers, hence you know it is all good. I am so over everything that I stopped taking picture of what I do and of what I eat. I am so over everything that is just a waste of my time taking pictures. If you would like to know more get your own 35mm lens and start to take by yourself pictures. 

Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed my writing to you.
And now happy hour again.
Giuseppe Rossi

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