Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday July 19

let's start from yesterday in order of appearance.
I first went to the gym  and I took this picture with Jessica-sama wearing a mask, as it was Super Hero day.

Later  I asked her to take a picture  without a mask, and she smiled at me and allowed me to snap this picture of her smile.

At the gym I did Zumba with Honey ( the lady in pink next to me on my left hand side). On my right we have Maria. On my far left there is Salvia. They are all good friends of mine.
 After Zumba I did Cycle with Lolita, she was wearing her super hero costume.

At the gym I greeted Ramon, Cris and many other. As I was leaving I met Larry and Janice. My coverage was done by Sonny who is acknowledged for his work.

As today is Saturday, I took care of the normal housekeeping activities by cleaning the whole house, running the washing machine as I normally have  a lot of staff to wash, including bedding and towel. It is good as I like to keep my things in order and clean.
Afterward I went to do my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.
I had a lot of fun as usual.
First of all I greeted Jamie and brought her a flower. I normally bring her a flower as a gesture of respect and kindness for her. And as usually we snap a picture together before me leaving the shop.

We talked about our own family. She mentioned that her daughter Delaney turned 5 this past weekend. Her youngest son Logan (Loggy for her family) was all cheerful for his sister's party.

Over there I also snapped picture with the rest of the crew. They are all good friends of mine.
As usual when I am at Trader  Joe's  I bring the recyclable brown bag so that I can enter Simona's number in the raffle (recycle  recycle recycle .. something good for the environment). I then get stickers for Ian, Sara's youngest son. Sara is my Case Manager here at CNS and she is supervising my work in Bakersfield.
Anyway I have purchased everything I needed and as usual they  told me that they had an issue with the beer supplier so this weekend they were completely out of stock. It is a fact of life but I guess it is best this way.

While doing my grocery shopping I snapped a picture of Kanvas and Dante her little son.They really look alike don't they?

I have also get stickers for Ian, the youngest son of Sarah my Case Manager at CNS. I will bring it to her on Monday, and leave it on her desk with my nice letter to her.
She is going to be out this Monday, I know she will be receiving it on Tuesday.

For lunch I had a yummy Quinoa salad with burrata.
 Whenever I have Quinoa I have a good time, as Michael at the clinic always kids with me about my Quinoa liking. He kids with me that Quinoa might be a beer rather than a healthy grain.
Well I like to eat healthy and having  always some nice fun in the community here in Bakersfield. I have many friend around here in my neighborhood and I  you see I feel like everybody find me funny and joyful to be around. I like to kid with everybody and they are all smiling with me.

So you see mon amour don't you worry too much about me, all the CNS and Sarah is looking over us.
Bacia i broccoli per me e stammi bene che io sto proprio bene.
Mi racommando in gamba a continua ad andare forte come al solito

Well the above message is to Simona my wife.

Thank you CNS and Sarah

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