Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 24 2014

Alright, yesterday it was a Wednesday and I went to my gym. I am going always at the gym at 5:45 and I meet always a lot of friends.
Yesterday it was time for cycle and Georgia was holding the class as Angie was busy.
Anyway I met many friends over there, among them Richard, Nick and Claudia. Also I greeted Larry and Janice, they  are well as usual they are giving me the thumb up as well. Larry is telling me always that I am getting stronger and faster. He is a big supporter of mine.

I have snapped this  picture with Lydian at the gym, I conveyed to her that Simona and our kids are here in LA, and she mentioned as usual that her cat Furby is well.

At the gym I have greeted Carlos at the reception. Also over there there was another person that works as well at CNS, but I am not allowed to mentioned her.

I like the gym a lot as I am active and I have the chance of staying busy all the time. Before going to the gym I made a healthy salad with a lot of green. I like to eat healthy.

After the gym I had a snack before going to bed. I made some simple pasta with butter... what a snack !

This morning I had my usual routine:
first of all I watered my flowers for Simona.They are really getting bigger and stronger as my love for my wife.

After doing my personal toiletry I get my very yummy breakfast: A well balanced mix of carbs, protein and fat. In fact my phone app tells me that I am eating well and balanced.

Alright as usual the guys here at CNS are kidding with me about being here at 5am to help them out. It is a fact that at that time I am  not able to make it on time. Maybe tomorrow I will make it on time.

Simona and our kids have finally arrived from their trip to Rome. She mentioned that they flew very well and were treated  very nicely as they were upgraded in business during the leg over the oceans.
Our kids behaved really well and had a lot of fun/
Well our kids do learn to fly very early: Chicco is 8 and Lapo is 5. You know they have good genes.
Enjoy the reading.
Have a good day, thank you Sarah

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