Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday July 27 2014

Alright, let me back of about yesterday activities. It was a Saturday so it was a movie night for me.
Before going to the movie I had a good dinner with my family picture:

Spinach, Burrata and tostadas; together with something that looked and tasted as ice tea...then it must be ice tea!

In the evening I went to see a nice movie: Lucy with Scarlett Joahnsson and Morgan Freeman.

This is my summary after the movie:

A nice movie about a person played  by Scarlett Johansson and a knowledgeable professor of brain anatomy played by  Morgan Freeman.  It is about the power of the human brain that can be reinforced by certain experiences. In particularly  the movie tells the story of what it is happening by enhancing   the connectivity in the brain to reach 90% capacity. Normally the movie proposes that the human brain uses only 40% of its capacity.
In this case a synthetic drug that was given to Lucy get accidentally injected into her system, as a result Lucy starts to develop super human capacity.
Is this drug related to my growth hormone injection.. Perhaps it is related .. The movie does not tell about this aspect. Anyway I have enjoyed the movie.

I need to check with Sarah on Monday, she certainly knows better than me on this matter.

Yesterday Simona and our kids went to see Planes at the movie theater. Our kids enjoyed the movie as they enjoy watching nice cartoon movie as now Disney is making after the acquisition of Pixart's Animation  Studio originally started by the late Steve Job.
Both Chicco and Lapo told me they  had a good time at the movie theater. I have talked to the both of them this morning and they were both busy with their favorite activities while Simona was sleeping. Chicco was playing with the Ipad and Lapo was playing with his Lego set.

This morning after watering my plants and taking a good shower -short one as we are in a drought  season.
I had a good breakfast  this is the picture of it: a nice balanced mix of fat, carbs and protein.Of course I had blueberry yogurt and blueberry  for my eyes.

You know it is very important to take care of oneself in life and  I am taking good care of my self at my best.

Today I have been reorganizing my mail for my family:letters in Italian for my wife Simona, letters in English and block letters for Chicco our 7 years old son, and simpler letters with some drawing and some simple words of Lapo our 5 years youngest son.For our boys I also have some nice red necklace with a red pimento. In Sicily it brings good luck and I am giving it to the both of them as a gesture for good luck in life.

In addition I have written a nice letter to Sarah my Case Manager and added some stickers for Ian her youngest son. I will give it to her on Monday and leave it on her desk as usual. She is so busy with everything so it is a nice gesture from my side. I have to say that she is taking such a good care of my recovery that I take every chance I have to thank her. She is always smiling at me, and she is telling that she has a lot of patience with everybody as she has three kids at home. I guess her family life is training her very well for her professional work. Well, I have you see I had a nice coverage today by Norma (same name as my grandmother) she has been her to check me out, my medication and my house. I  like having the staff checking on me and I chatted gracefully while they are here with me. I let them know about my day and my doing. Today is a Sunday so no mail. Yesterday I have already received the Economist my weekly magazine.

Anyway it is all well, here in Bakersfield. Enjoy the reading and more importantly enjoy your weekend. I will see you om Monday.
Levi keeps inviting me at the clinic at 4am during the week, unfortunately I will not be able to get there during the weekend as promised to you, as there is no transportation during the weekend.

Enjoy the weekend.

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