Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday July 9 2014

 I called my mom in Italy and she is doing fine she is enjoying her vacation in Fano, Italy and expecting my brother Francesco for this weekend. I have also called my wife's home in Rome and found my mother-in-law Anna. Anna mentioned that Simona where out to eat gelato with our kids. Anna confirmed  that the boys are enjoying their staying in Italy and particularly Chicco has been enjoying Calamari at the beach. He is clearly a 'buon gustaio' like Simona.

Their staying in Italy is reaching the end as this weekend the whole family will go to Bruxelles, Belgium to visit Andrea - Simona's brother - and his family. Andrea has a 5 years old son, his name is Matteo. Andrea's wife is Elena and they are all very nice people. Andrea works at the European Commission and he enjoys very much his line of work.

Yesterday I did not go to the gym but I  went to Walmart to do Personal Shopping. I purchased everything I needed and also I purchased a new pair of Sandal here picture below.

As it is really warm here in Bakersfield and my stability is improving I am wearing sandals all around.  While at Walmart,  it  went all very well. The staff has been really helpful in  making sure things went smoothly. The staff at CNS is making an amazing job as usual.

This morning I had a good breakfast thinking about my family.

I done a lot of good work at the center, then I have had also Yoga with Amy. Here two daughters Madison and Olivia are doing great and are having a lot of good time. I like doing therapy and I trust the good judgement that my Case Manager is been showing. We have learn to appreciate each other work and I have a lot of respect  for her care for my recovery.
After Yoga we sat down to do Group with Don and it all went well. I am feeling and behaving stronger and better as God in his infinite grace has decided that my time had not come, and He is offering me a second chance. So here we go, I don't want to waste it by staying inactive. 

At lunch I snapped this nice picture of me.

At lunch I brought Quinoa, Tostadas, green beans and mozzarella.
whenever I eat Quinoa I think about Micheal.He is kidding a lot with me about Quinoa been a sort of beer. Michael is a therapist is Education here at CNS and I am sure he is going to enjoy this entry of mine.

Today I am planning to go to the gym as well a place that I like to be as much as possible.
I will be doing cycle with and before hand I need to book a movie outing for Saturday. 
I am always at the gym and over there I meet always people of the community that I know around.
Yesterday for Instance both Larry and Janice knew I wasn't going to the gym but today I am sure they are expecting me to be there.
I think I need to go right now,
please enjoy the reading.
Have a great day.

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