Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25 2014

yesterday evening after therapy I went to the gym to do Zumba.
I met all my friends as usual Maria, Kashi, Richard. I met also Janice and Larry.
This picture below is an old one, but Larry is always the same one. I am the one with the hat and Larry is next to me on my left hand side.

The front entrance  of the gym is shown here:

At the gym I snapped a picture( a selphie)  together with Naomi, the gym manager.  Naomi is the smiling ladies next to me. I am the guy with the Caltech hat with the thumb up! I am always positive an enthusiast of being around in the community. Every body complies with my small requests one way or the other everybody is happy to show their support to me.

Naomi's  daughter and son are fine are are back from visiting her sister in Vegas.

At the gym I had the chance of doing some cycle with Lolita.

I have also met Maria and she mentioned to  I was late. she  had to start doing Zumba without me.

Well it is what is it normally I am on time, we will try again today.

As I had a cold I made a good home-made chicken soup with chicken tenders I had in my fridge. First  of all I made a soffritto with onions, carrots and  celery. Then I added the chicken tenders with some water. I seasoned everything and let it boil for a hour. Afterward it was time to blend it all with my electrical blender that my wife Simona has given to me as a present. At that point I snapped this picture with her. I always cook with Simona picture in front of me. So she is always with me.

In the soup I added Barley so now I have a very healthy and  tasting soup at home. I had hot soup and got some medication for my cough and this morning I am fine.  My cold is gone.

This morning first thing I have watered my flowers, they are getting strong and beautiful as my love for Simona is strong and beautiful. The flowers are for her, only for her.

My breakfast has been very balanced and rich as usual. I had it together with Simona and Sara my Case Manager at CNS. Both person mean a lot to me. Also coffee tastes better in a 35 mm mug.

On my table there is my Cal tech's Dad hat that Simona has given to me.

my morning started really well by finding this little present from the Leprechaun in the park near the apartment. It is an empty beer can that I reported to the sup.

As today is a Friday it is a RT day, I knew that my RT for today was running so I did my morning run at the clinic. I run smoothly and happily.

  I did my long strives and kept a regular pace at the beginning. I then increased the speed toward the end to reach a 5.5 miles as a final sprint. Overall I run 2 miles in half an hour.
It is all good, so now I am happy for having run this long. It is about time to eat. So enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you all.
It is time to eat in a while, enjoy your weekend as I will not have time to write to you over the weekend.
We will talk again on Monday.
To all of you, stay well!
God Bless you all.

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