Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday July 30

Alright, yesterday went I came back home I  cooked some good Italian pasta with Ragu that I have made at  home. It is easy and fun to make. I had a pack of ground beef  and a can of peeled tomatoes to use. I  finely chopped some yellow sweet onions, mixed with ground beef and tomatoes. I have chopped some carrots added a pinch of salt and pepper and  let the whole Ragu slowly cooking  for about an  hour.
The key is slow cooking..
You see by using  excessively high  temperature is easy to burn the food. So It is best to use some low temperature cooking for a prologues amount of time.

together with my ragu pasta I steamed Broccoli. Whenever I steam Broccoli, it is like my wife is telling me about our sons. When they are sleeping she tells me they are steamed.

Yesterday I had an appointment for a hair cut at Great Clips so I did not go to the gym. As mentioned  I rather had my hair cleaned and ready for the warm temperature of Bakersfield.
Sarah my Case Manager inspired me to have a hair cut as she had it recently.

Also by going to Great Clips CNS made sure I had a discount card so it was a good deal. I went there together with  Gustavo (Gus).

This morning I wake up early as usual and I did everything in my routine:
Medications,  flowers, personal hygiene

A good fulfilling breakfast with my family's picture in front of me.

My Iphone apps is telling me that this is a good balanced breakfast.
After ward, I greeted the maintenance guys, thrown  the trash that Dag is always leaving for me. Then after all this I grab the newspaper by taking a stroll in the park. So my morning was ready. I took the bus. The big bus was driven by Jemena as she is back from the pregnancy leave. She has another girl: her name is Camilla. Her first daughter is Sophia.
Anyway today after OT I had yoga with Amy. She mentioned her girls are fine. Madison and Olivia. Madison is 10 and will start 4th grade on August 12th. Her youngest daughter  Olivia is 4 and will go on preschool on August 12th.

On the same date Chicco our eldest son will start 4th grade and our youngest Lapo will start Kindergarten.

It is all good.
You see I am getting stronger and better.
So here it is.
Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.

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