Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday July 20

Alright,  let me back off a bit about yesterday evening.

Yesterday it was my pizza night. I had the chance of using Bob's peeler that I had a as a present.

Of course with pizza I had to have my beer which actually surprisingly tasted like Organic green tea..
Afterward I went to the movie at the Maya theater. I saw Sex Tape with Cameron Diaz

A very funny movie about what might happens when you loose a tape containing some age restricted material. It is also a movie about the power of the technology and of the file sharing technology and a testimony of what is happening to the privacy of the individuals once they decide to open their life to the internet. 
Anyway it is also a movie of good sentiment and of love between a couple that straggles to regain its balance  and  privacy in life.
I have enjoyed very much the movie.

This morning as usual I took care for things I care so I have watered my flowers, they are for Simona. I water and nourish them everyday as I am nourishing Simona's love.
Today I had to provide Laurine my Personal Shopping list. As I mentioned that I needed to buy a ring to Simona she has agreed to let me go to the gym instead. Also as my glasses are now fixed, I can probably put off my hair cut for a little while yet. My breakfast has been really good. Today I ate a couple of eggs made using Chicco's little owl head that  he made me as a present some time ago. As usual I had oat then rye bread and peanut butter and honey.

The news coming about the Malaysian Airline downing is really sad. There were more than 100 Dutch people on board  of the lost airplane. The US is confirming that the plane was voluntarily shot down by separatist Chechen rebels while flying over Ukraine. Well there are really dangerous places in the world and one of these areas is clearly  ruled by the Chechen separatists from the Republic of Ukraine.
Nearly 200 of the crash victim where Dutch people, for such a small country is a very big loss. It has been compared to September 11  tragedy for US.

On a positive note my family is well, our kids are in Belgium with my brother in law Andrea while Simona my wife is still at the workshop in Holland a couple of hours away from Andrea's house in Belgium.

Tomorrow my  wife will be going to get our kids in Belgium afterward they are going to fly back to US on the 23th. The boys will have a lot to tell about their summer.
This year Chicco starts 4th grade school while Lapo will start Kindergarden.
I am sure they both will be doing great at school.

I am going to cook something today, later I will be doing   recycle at about half past noon.
I have a bunch of things, as Dough was kind enough to give me a big bag. Beside, I like to stay out and to get some fresh air.
tonight it is church night.

Please enjoy the reading, God bless you all!

Remember that God is watching over everybody and that He is giving to us our on path in life to get better. He is really watching over everybody, and I feel that I own a lot to His good will.
Best Regards

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