Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday July 26

I have found the picture I was missing from yesterday, so here it is: this is part of my Zumba class, next to me with my hat is Maria and another friend of mine.
We danced the Zumba together and as we are good friends they all comply in taking picture with me.
We are all wearing grey, I am the one with the hat. It is Simona's hat.

This morning I had a good day. I cleaned the house, did the usual house cleaning of the weekend then I prepared my breakfast in the presence of my family, a well balanced breakfast.

In the morning I did grocery shopping at Trader Joe's where I met all my friends: among them here are the pictures of the many persons I got familiar with:



Last but not least Jamie. We always snap a good picture together and we talk about our families.
I also bring her a flower so that she knows I appreciate her grace and help.  She knows that before leaving I am waiting to snap a picture with the flower and her. So she patiently everybody patiently complies with my requests here in Bakersfield.

Jamie  mentioned that Loggy her son his doing well and that her daughter Delaney is  enjoying her dance class.
Thorn her husband is keeping the whole family balanced.

Jamie made sure that as  usual I passed through the forbidden isle  of the beer. Good job Jamie I know I can count on your skills.
At the store I brought the bags so Simona's number got entered for the raffle and I have also remembered to get stickers for Ian, the youngest son of Sarah my Case Manager.
I will leave it on her desk this Monday morning when I am back at the clinic.

At home my lunch is displayed in this picture

A healthy salad and a chicken soup.
I have written to Simona my wife and reorganized the letter for Chicco and Lapo I have collected during this time. I will give them tomorrow when they come to visit me.

I have also written a letter to Sara my Case Manager and added stickers for Ian her youngest son.

This morning I had a nice visit: Marlene came buy to say Hi. I normally meet her at the gym. She mentioned that she is used to work a lot as at home she has twelve siblings. She is most definitely a hard worker. So she is inspiring me to move along to get better.

Alright I need to go.
Please enjoy the reading.

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