Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday July 8 2014

yesterday It was Monday and I went to the gym together with Martha and Chris. I did a bit of kickboxing with Christie and then cycle with Lolita. As you know I love that place and over there I normally meet people I  am familiar with. Yesterday for instance I met Damian - a friend of Tina- who used to teach yoga at CNS before retiring in Shaver Lake with her family.Damian is in touch with Tina and he is always exchanging greetings with her.   Also I met Richard and Gloria.

In addition I met Janice and Larry two good persons that I consider good friends of mine.

We briefly discussed our plan for today so I mentioned  them that today as I am going to do personal shopping at Walmart I am not planning to go to the gym but rather I will be swimming at the apartment.

Rene - my RTC- is aware of my plans, she mentioned it is OK.

Larry is also aware so he knows that I will not be going today.

I am a good catch or not? it is up to you to decide ( my son Chicco tells me I am g good catch!)
 I agree with him..Particularly I am a funny guy to be around,

Today I did my CR session with Bethany and it went really well. I did my very best so my accuracy  was 75% with 6 letters and 3 second setting. The time was also good; Bethany mentioned to me that I should focus on accuracy rather than speed. My goal is to do for 3 time 80% so next time I have a goal to go after.
In the last week my accuracy has been improving from the low 60 to the mid 70.

This morning I  also had  yoga with Amy. She has been on vacation for the past two weeks with her family. I know she has two daughters: Madison and Olivia. Madison is  3 and Olivia is 5. They are sweet girls, and over time I learned to exchange with them little cards and drawing. I do it with my two sons as well.

Our sons Chicco and Lapo are both in Italy with Simona. Chicco is 8 and Lapo is 5. Simona has a conference in France and the boys have time off school so they are all back at my wife's house in Rome, Italy.

Due to the time difference  (9 hours) Simona calls me whenever she can. I talk to the boys. Like today she called me to let me know they all went to S.Peter square to see the pope.

This morning is also pay day for me, so I am happy as I have gotten paid by CNS. It is all well. I typically  keep my receipts and money under control. I stick to my list and particularly  have a lot of fun at Trader Joe's here in Bakersfield. I am getting paid every two weeks.

The money is for grocery and outing, except for Personal Shopping -like today- where I have to compile a list on Sunday and  then send it to my RTC (Renee) for approval. Whenever I don't need anything -most of the time- I ask Renee if I can go to Walmart to buy some spare parts for my car. Renee understands and she asks me if I would like to go to the gym instead.

She knows me quite well! Today I need to buy something for good so at 5:45 pm  I will be going to the store.  Everybody is very helpful at Walmart and so courteous.  Over time I came to appreciate their business model, however it is  really replacing many smaller shops with its sheer scale and magnitude.

Anyway, I need to go!
Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed typing to you.


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