Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday July 11 2014

Alright, here I am working  at my blog.
Yesterday Simona called me to tell me that our kids are enjoying their staying in Rome. Everyday they are going to the local beach to sunbathing. Also they are eating gelato I know that Simona loves gelato, so our kids have no choice but to go with it as well...I know for sure that they love it as they have the same good appreciation for the Italian flavors.

Our kids have discovered Calamari  which is squids sold at the beach. Simona mentioned that both Chicco and Lapo are having lunch on Calamari.

At the beach they are playing a lot with Camilla. Camilla is Rita's daughter and she is 4 years old. Rita is the eldest cousin of Simona. Simona used to work with Rita as Rita has a company in Rome that provide weather instrumentation. This is the origin of Simona's introduction with the weather related world.

Yesterday evening I went to the gym with Christine. She is a NRS working at CNS. I went alone this time. It was good as I had the chance to get a couple of classes:  I started doing Zumba with Mike, then as this class was over I took the next class which was a bicycle class with Lolita.At the gym I met Gloria, Maria and Amye ( she literally spelled her name-she mentioned it is French). I stayed until 7:00 pm  and then went back home as it was time to go back.

At the gym I greeted Lydian and a few other that works at the reception.

Whenever I see Lydian I inquire about her cat Furbys -she smiles at me and she asks about my family.

I convey the whereabouts of Simona and the broccoli.

Today as every morning I have watered my flowers as meaning that I care about my love for Simona. It is a reminder of her strength and beauty.

For some reason I have the feeling that you have already introduced to this picture. 
Anyway this picture is from this morning as It is always a new picture that I snap with my family.
 I normally have a good breakfast to get ready for the day.

This morning we snapped this picture with Simona. It shows how fashionable I can be wearing my flippers.
I normally snap one or more pictures with Simona in the morning.

Today is a Friday, and I had the chance to talk to a good friend of mine and then to run.

I asked Sara - my Case Manager- to run as I love running. So today my RT was running on the treadmill. 
Nick -my PT therapist- mentioned that I did a good job and he invited me to push my limit for the next time and to run 2.25 miles... bit after bit I will be able to go that far and even farther. 

I remember that before my stroke I loved running long distance. So  I confess that I still love running and I am happy whenever I can go further and further. It is one of my goal to get back in shape and to push my limit every time.  I am happy to hear that Nick is coaching me to get back in good shape. I estimate and cherish his input.

Enjoy the reading and have a great weekend.

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