Friday, July 4, 2014

Friday July 4th post

Already, Happy 4th to all of you.

yesterday I went to the gym . As there where no classes I did run a bit on the treadmill.  I did run smoothly to build endurance as Nick recommended me to do so. I run well and with long steps. Keeping my balance at my best. Obviously it is working as I am writing to you. I went to the gym with Raymond as I am not allowed to go by myself. So my thank you goes to Raymond coverage.. in the CNS lingo coverage means the person that is in charge of me. Back home we used to call the caregiver, but coverage is a far better word for it. We patients at CNS have all a person is charge of our coverage. It is fine, everybody is free to do what he likes. I like going to the gym. It is good for my injury. So I go to the gym and work hard. Almost everyday. Today, Tomorrow and Sunday is off.

At the gym I greeted Jessica and Lydian, Jessica is shown with me on the picture below

At the gym I snapped again a picture with Jessica and Lydian as well. Lydian mentioned that her cat Furby is well.
Whenever I see her I always ask her about Furby. She is always greeting me with a smile, whenever I ask her if she would like to take a picture with me she patiently complies.

After running I did some strengthening and a bit of abdominal muscle. I do love this place where I can feel myself again.

Here I am sending my wife a big hug by electronic format. Hence baci amore mio

 This morning I had a wonderful breakfast with my family in my heart. Chicco our son made me as a present the owl head to cook the eggs. So today I cooked two eggs easy stile.

A bit of milk, granola, yogurt, rye bread with peanut butter and honey, and of course a lot of vanilla flavoured coffee.
I have washed my basket of clothes and folded everything so now it is all cleaned. I cleaned the whole apartment, the bathroom and the kitchen. Also as everyday I am watering the flowers that are becoming bigger and bigger.

My wife Simona just called me from Italy. She is in Italy as school is over for the kids, and she has to attend a conference in Holland. So the only option for her is to take our two sons to Italy for the summer and to then proceed to her conference in Holland.
Our two son are enjoying Rome, Italy where the extended family has greeted their arrival.
Today they went to an aquatic park  where the kids have been splashing the whole day.

As I mentioned to you above, today I have some visitors from Italy. It is Freddie, Paola and her two sons Sebastian 12 years and Johannes 5 years. The current plan is that we will go out for dinner about 6pm.

Tomorrow is Saturday so no gym either as I will go to the movie, I am planning to see Tammy,
I have checked out the preview and it is supposed to be a funny movie. I am sure that I am going to enjopy myself.
On Sunday I will be going to church so no gym either.
Already I need to check on something, actually I would like to write to Simona my wife.
Have a great day 

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