Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14th 2014

Alright, It is July 14th, today in France is Fete de la Bastille, it is a national holiday in France. The day when the democratic revolution started and the people had risen against the king and initiated the new democratic process called French Revolution.

So today I feel we are all French.

I had a very good weekend and you saw my activities. Today I had a good breakfast together with Simona's picture in front of me.

I feel great and very fortunate I can write to all of you.
Coming at the clinic today, I saw Sarah my wonderful Case Manger. I had a nice letter for her, and stickers for Ian her youngest son. Whenever I go to Trader Joe's I have always stickers for Ian.  I also bring in the reusable brown bags so that I have a ticket for the raffle and I put Simona's phone. Just in case we are going to receive the call, it is best that Simona handles everything. While shopping  I followed my list and it is always a feast for me to go over there. Despite my best effort I was able to spend a bit more than I wanted to. But hey what is done is done.

Speaking of Trader Joe's yesterday it was Delaney birthday, she turned 5. Delaney is Jamie's  daughter. Jamie is the lady next to me in this picture.
Jamie has a 5 years old boy. His name is Logan.  Jamie mentioned that Logan is going to stroll along her sister birthday.

This morning while walking in the park I met Laurent and his dog. He is a  good friend of mine. He was comfortable with me to let me snap a picture of him playing in the park. 

Simona and our kids are well. They have reached the next to last leg of their trip as they are now in Bruxelles  Belgium where Andrea -Simona's brother- leaves. Andrea is married to Elena and he has a  4 year old boy Matteo.
So the boys are going to stay in Bruxelles while Simona is going to attend a conference in Holland.
She is after all a very busy person. I care about her.
Please enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed my writing to you.

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