Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday July 12

Already, this is the weekend so no clinic, nevertheless as I am working on my getting better and stronger, I am working from home on my blog for your perusal and amusement.

Today I took care of the house doing the usual house cleaning task of the  weekend by washing and cleaning my room and my clothes... so many socks to pair, changing my bed and so forth. I took care first things in the morning of my flower by watering as I am watering my love for my family.

Well my break fast has been thinking about my family I know they are well in Italy and the boys are enjoying a lot their staying.

 Simona my wife mentioned that yesterday they have been to S.Peter square and the boy had hot dogs for lunch... well you see they are having fun in Italy.

This morning I did my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, I always have fun when I go there and the whole crew is part of my little routing.
Jamie who  is always looking after me was kind enough to snap this picture with me (as usual she complies with my request). She told me that tomorrow her daughter Delaney turns 5 years old. So happy B-day Delaney. Her little boy Logan is 2 and he will receive something for his sister birthday.
As usual I brought a flower to Jamie, and she pointed to a pin which is covered by my hand.

We have also taken this picture with some of the other crew. They know we well and they all comply with me by being as goofy as me.

As usual I brought the bags so my wife Simona' phone number was entered for a raffle. It does not hurt to try and try every week I am waiting for the winning call.. :)
Afterward as I brought the  grocery bags with me (they are reusable so let's be eco- friendly..I had stickers for Ian, Sara's little son. I normally bring stickers to Sara on Monday, and I will be leaving them on her desk. She knows they come from me.

At shopping everything went well, Jamie mentioned that they are having a persistent issue with their beer supplier so for the time being they are completely out of stock.  

Today I received a nice email from Paola. Paola -in the picture below with me- is a cousin of Simona -my wife.

 She came to visit me with her husband Freddie and her two sons. Joannes and Sebastian are pictured in the second photo below.

They were on their way back from Sequoia and we spent one day together and went together to have dinner at  Tahoe Joe's steakhouse. Anyway they left me a good reading magazine that I found it enjoyable to read, so I let them know that it was a good pick. They are happy to hear that it was really good for me. They also brought me a book by Matteo Renzi- the current Italian prime minister. I have finished the book and I really enjoyed reading it. Paola mentioned that they came back safe to Italy. They all leave in the northern part of Italy in a town called Ortisei. Paola has a retail shop from Benetton and Freddie is a skying instructor over there. Paola mentioned that as soon as the family came back in town, Freddie went for a skying tour with Sebastian his eldest son. You see being away from the slope is really hard for the ones who love skying like Freddie. So I thank the whole family once more for being here with me and for introducing me to their wonderful kids
Alright today I had a good Caesar salad and a Riceroni  that I found in my food dispense. Once in a while the chef goes by using the very tasty supply that find in the house.

I have also snapped this picture with my Case Manager Sara. I have to tell you that I trust Sara enormously as she has been watching over me for the last few years. She is a very patient and well capable person as all the Case Managers at the clinic they are all very wise persons. I have the utmost respect for their work.

 Anyway a winning team does not chance.. and as Sara knows we are winning this race together. I am getting better and stronger, and she is getting also less worried about me. She knows she can trust me and she knows that I appreciate her trust a lot. I learned to leave in the community where I have a lot of friends.
A lot of estimators of my wit spirit and a lot of appreciation for my family Simona and our boys. Also don't forget my green eyes that are always distinguishing me wherever I go...I like the green color very much, Simona knows why!

 I have managed to gain your trust by getting better and I am giving back the trust by being me and by working hard always. It is who I am, it is what I do, working hard always.

It is thank to all of you, particularly thanks to my Case Manager Sara.

I will see you on Monday.
I am sure I will be blogging a bit more during the weekend and this is the tool for me to remember what I am doing., Michael knows it very well.

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