Saturday, July 5, 2014

Saturday July 5th post

here is the good quote for today: it is from the book from Renzi (Italy youngest Prime Minister), Paola  gave it to me when she came yesterday:

Here is the quote:

Come dice la saggezza popolare arrivare vicino vale solo a bocce; in politica come nella vita di tutti i giorni  arrivare vicino non basta. Però e' già un passo avanti.

Here is another quote translated for you:
God gave us the memory so we can see the roses even in December.

I had a good breakfast this morning, I used the egg gizmos that Chicco our son made me as a present, but today the eggs broke and as a result .. they still tasted great. I have been having breakfast as usual thinking about my family, they are all in Rome, Italy at home where my wife is from. They are all staying with my mother-in-law Anna. She is very happy to have the whole family reunited at her house. Our kids are having a lot of fun and eating a lot of ice cream, as I know my wife Simona the gelato is clearly one staple of her Mediterranean diet that she is only allowed back in Rome.

While I was waiting for the van to Trader Joe's  I started reading the book that I have received from Paola. It is a book about the latest and youngest Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. He is quite something and he is bringing a new light and infuse a new hope to the current Italian political scene.


Anyway beside the usual house keeping of the Saturday I enjoyed doing my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's here in Bakersfield. We go there at 10:30am. I snapped this picture with Canvas, Jennifer, July, Lisa all person that are good friends of mine

today  as usual I  brought a flower to Jamie, and as usual I asked if we could snap  a picture together, she patiently complied.  She is wearing green as well like me. Jamie mentioned to me that as yesterday it was the 4th of July, at the store they did run out of beer supply, so today I could not find any left.She is quite something isn't it? We are having a good time always at Trader Joe's. 

It is all good as I spent $90, I sticked to my list and as I brought my bags I had the chance to have Simona's number entered in the raffle. Then I have also brought back Stickers for Ian, Sara's youngest son. Sara's is my Case Manager at the clinic. And I fully rely on her and on her patience to get back home. She is a very patient person with me and we have learn to estimate each other.

Whenever I go to Trader Joe's I bring back stickers. It is a way to say thank to Sara. And on Monday I will leave it on her desk. She knows where they are coming from.

Anyway I was approached for the next week to buy a concentrated coffee but I think it is bad for me so I am better to stick to my original plan.
Today I had plan to buy a bunch of things extra like frozen cod and pulled meat but as my bill was too high I ended up putting gladly it back.
It will be for another time.
When I came back I had a wonderful spinach salad  with sliced eggplant that I had backed a couple a days ago. I have also added some tomatoes, and finally had the some rye bread. Of course coffee is part of my staple diet.
 Alright, I am better start working on something else. Tonight I am going to the movie to see Tammy

I am better start doing something else.

Have a good day to you all.

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