Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday November 12 2014

Alright, it is a wonderful Friday in Bakersfield. A tad hot outside still.
Anyway let me go back one day to my activities.
Yesterday my kids were busy with Taekwon-do and soccer. I briefly talked to them and then to Simona. We have two kids: Chicco is 9 years old and Lapo is 5. Chicco attends IV grade and Lapo Kindergarten.  They go to La Canada Elementary School (LCE)

After a brief snack I went to the 24 fitness gym.  Over there I danced  Zumba with Mike. Also as I was there I snapped a picture with Jessica. She is the girl with the flower standing next to me.
I brought her the flower as she is always nice to me.

At the Zumba event I met Jannie, She is a nice girl at the gym. I remember her while she was pregnant. I inquired about her  baby and she told me she had a daughter. Her daughter is now 9 month old and yesterday she was sleeping at the nursery at the gym.

To be precise Jamie greeted me by saying Hi Joseph. So I asked her to refresh my memory about her name. She told me that her name starts with a J like mine. So here we go, I remember now that she is Jannie.

Today I had a good morning, My breakfast has been as usual with my wife Simona and my Case Manager Sarah. They are part of my life and of my recovery process.
Well a good balanced breakfast is a good way to start the day.

While at the clinic I talked to Don my Counselor, he is a very nice person to chat with.
Afterward  as it is a Friday I  had the chance of running on the Treadmill.
It is my RT (Recreational Therapy). I love running with pride and with love..with a smile I run.
So I did my best in footing in a couple of miles, in 30 minutes.

Afterward, IO worked on CR (Cognitive Rehabilitation), CR is basically PT for the mind.
So I am doing my best in CR. And in fact I had a very good session for CR. Very fulfilling indeed.
Afterward I  had lunch. More than my food, I asked a NRS to snap a picture of myself. You see only myself is OK,

Right during lunch I called home where I found Lapo our youngest son at home. Lapo is attending Kindergarten and comes back home for lunch everyday. So everyday at lunch time I give him a call to make sure he is fine. We exchange feeling for the day and normally we tell each other about our lunch. Lapo then send me a kiss and goes on playing. At home Marina our Nanny takes care of him as Simona my wife is at work. She is Assistant Professor  at Caltech. The whole family right now relies on her as she is currently the sole breadwinner of our household.

After lunch I enjoyed my coffee outside. Today it is a hot day so I came back happily to a room temperature environment.

As I saw Sarah my wonderful Case Manager here at CNS I snapped a selphie with her. I asked her permission to post this picture and she has verbally confirmed that it is OK.
Sarah is a big supporter of mine, together with everybody here at CNS and together with my wife every body supports me 100%.

Sarah favorite line is "Because you are worth it..!" Well yes Sarah I am working hard to make sure I am worth for all of your effort.

Alright, I need to go, Enjoy the reading and Remember..
Keep it up.. everything is possible.
I would like to end by thanking Sarah for being such a Wonderful Case Manager.

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