Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Sept 5 2014

Yesterday evening I refueled my body with a healthy dinner. 
Simona was busy with writing a proposal for a grant - we kid among ourselves that she had her Zumba to do...

My dinner is shown in this picture, together with Simona and Sarah my Case Manager.

After dinner I went  to the 24 hour fitness gym on Gosford. I did cycle with Lolita. While at the gym I greeted Ramon, Richard among the ones I remember.

As usual I snapped a picture with Jessica, showing my appreciation. Jessica is the girl with the red Shirt standing next to me. I am the guy with the hat and the green shirt. 

At the gym my coverage was done my Marnita so that my appreciation goes for her work.

Near the gym there I noticed  a new Restaurant called La Sorella. It is an Italian restaurant.
It looks an interesting place from the outside.

Anyway switching to my day today, Simona mentioned that she took our kids to school.
They are going to La Canada Elementary School. Lapo is in  Kindergarten and Chicco is attending IV grade.
They both are wonderful kids. I normally write to the boys during my spare time at the apartment. I write in English to Chicco our eldest. I write a positive and encouraging letter to him. We also have a little boy, Lapo. He is 6 years old. I normally make very simple drawing for Lapo, using some simple words as he is starting to learn the alphabet.

I am going to talk to Lapo today at Lunch time, as he comes back from school for lunch.
Chicco will be back at home once I come back at the apartment. The boys are very busy in life. Simona my wife keeps them always busy with many activities. I share and support her effort to raise good an healthy young adult.

She is making a huge effort in making sure they are well taken care of.
Simona always mentions that she is always the last one in the house to take care of her needs.
Well she is always the first to wake up and to get going. Right now Simona has a lot of work and responsibility on her shoulders. She has been the head to our household since my injury occurred four years ago.  I have to say I appreciate her kindness and strength. She is truly my inspiration to get better. I found my strength in myself and when I need a bit of encouragement I think about my wife. Well she is simply my inspiration and my biggest supporter. Together with Sarah, my Case Manager and all the therapists here at CNS everybody is here to help.
CNS is a wonderful place to get better. I came to appreciate this Center and to understand how well it operates. It a compassionate and really caring place where truly people come first. Well CNS is really looking at the human aspect, whenever I needed anything or any therapy, CNS stepped in and made sure I had it available. I am sure a compassionate care is one of the quality that make CNS standing away from the crowd.
Enjoy your day.

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