Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday Sept 20 post lunch entry

Well, this is my post lunch entry for today Saturday Sept the 20th.
I have already mentioned to you regarding both yesterday and this morning activities. So today I would like to introduce the topics of my Trader Joe's shopping. As you all know it is a big fun for me.

As usual I made sure to have my recyclable bags so that I entered the tickets for the raffle on Simona's behalf.
I also have brought flowers to everybody, first of all to Jamie, standing next to me to my left ( I am the one with the hat). Also to Chloe who  is the lady with a necklace  smiling in  the picture below.

In my opinion this blurry image shows the need of having image stabilization included soon or later in the Iphone. As soon as this function is included I am sure that Simona my wife is going to buy me a new phone as soon as possible...:)

As usual I have a lot of fun going over there, everybody knows me as Joseph and he is welcoming me at the store. Obviously they are all looking after me and making sure they are all helpful for me to shop around.

Before leaving I greeted Jamie with a high five.

I am an outgoing person and a person that is grateful to everybody that is helping me to move along.

Right now Simona my wife just called me to let me know they are all fine and that our sons are back from playing soccer. As mentioned to you even Lapo our youngest had started playing soccer together with Chicco our eldest son.

This picture - I have already posted before- shows Lapo playing soccer. Lapo is 6 years old. Chicco our eldest is 9 years old.

Forgive me if I tend to mention over and over my sons age as I have hard time remembering it. In this way I am sure that today I have mentioned it at least once.

Simona is my wonderful and powerful wife. She is the real reason beyond my recovery and my being here to write to you. Well Simona knows that I am well and safe at CNS. She knows she can focus on her very demanding job.
As usual I have remembered to get stickers for Ian. Ian is the youngest son of Sarah. Sarah is my preferred Case Manager at CNS. I have to say I like all the Case Managers at CNS, but as you know I have a penchant for Sarah. So at every situation I make sure she is well taken care of. As she is making sure I am doing well. It is a mutual exchanges of good will.
So the stickers for Ian are in the picture below.

Sarah knows that I will be leaving on her desk on Monday at the clinic.

Today is a wonderful day in California.
My mom is in Verona, Italy back from her vacation at the sea side.
Today she mentioned that over there it is really hot. 
She is reading a good book and enjoying her relaxed life at home.

My brother Fracesco is with Sara his wife attending the usual Saturday soccer match at the  stadium.

My sister Isabella is attending a  meeting in Spain.

My sister has a lot of activities she is attending to. She is a free spirit.

For the evening I am planning to go to the movie theater here in Bakersfield.
I am planning to see the movie Teenager Mutant Ninja turtle.
I believe it is a good movie particularly it is a movie I could be watching together with our two sons.
So I am happy to plan for it eventually if I can not make it it will be for another time.
My back up movie is A walk among the tombstone. It is most definitely of a different gender than the previous movie.

On behalf of my family I am posting the pictures of my apartment. As in today's conversation with my sister Isabella she was inquiring about my apartment at CNS, so here it is for your perusal.

My kitchen with my big fridge

The living room with the TV, I never turn the TV on, as I am constantly lessening to NPR radio.

The places where I create mostly is the stove as I love cooking for me and my wife. Whenever she comes I always prepare some very delicious food for her. Cooking requires passion, dedication and inventive.

Also cooking requires a white apron and a real fantasy. I love cooking by keeping Simona's picture with me so that she is inspiring me on whatever I do.

My personal shelf in my bedroom with the pictures of my sons

My bedroom with on the wall the pictures for my sons Chicco and Lapo, also Simona is on the far right wall.

Here we go, you have seen my apartment in this post.
thank you for reading.

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