Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday Sept 25

Let me rewind my brain to yesterday activities.
Yesterday it was Wednesday Sept 24. The weather was really nice not too hot.

As soon as I came back home I prepared  a fruit salad. My wife Simona always is reminding me to use the fruit before it  spoils, so I have been making a peaches fruit salad with oranges and  lemon juice. I will let it in the fridge for a couple of day when it is ready to eat.

I have also been preparing a wonderful Whole Wheat  Penne Pasta with Pesto and Parmesan cheese. I have also been pairing it with a healthy spinach salad with Chia seeds. 

Afterward I waited until 5 pm  to book a movie for this Saturday. Brandy took my call. Brandy is my favorite Supervisor together with all the others. 

Finally I went to the 24 fitness gym 

I had cycle with Angie. As usual we snapped this picture together.

At the gym I greeted Pete, Richard and the people I am familiar with over there. They are all greeting me back as well.
At the gym I go by Joseph.

I later started doing body pump with Silvia. Before leaving I snapped a picture of Tucker. She is always posing with the Hawaiian hi.

Afterward I greeted Jessica with a smile and she greeted back to me with a thumb up.

While at the gym I met also Larry and Janice, two good friends of mine.
At the gym CNS provided me with Diego's coverage.
When at home before going to bed, I asked my wife Simona to kiss goodnight to our two kids.
Chicco is 9 and Lapo is 5.

My breakfast has been very yummy and peaceful. Simona my wife left the house early today as usual nevertheless I had breakfast virtually with her and Sarah my wonderful Case Manager at CNS.

Before coming to work I asked Violette to please snap a picture of me for Simona. So here it is me smiling for Simona.

Before leaving the house I have watered the flowers and cleaned everything sharp. So that Simona does not have to worry about this mundane activities. 
Well  this was my day yesterday.
Thank you CNS, Sarah, Lester and I am a  very lucky dude!

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