Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Sept 28 posting

Already yesterday posting for my evening is  as following.
I went to the movie theater to see the movie The equalizer. A nice movie with Denzel Washington.
He plays a  CIA  operative that is forced out from a self imposed retirement when he is confronted with a bad pool of Russian mafia gangster.
The way he gets involved with this people is trough defending a girl who is dragged into a prostitution ring run by the Russian mobs.

I enjoyed the movie very much.
I met again at the movie theater  a nice lady. Her name is Morgan. I asked if I could snap a picture of her so here it is for you.

Finally outside the movie theater we met Danielle. She used to work at CNS and now she is working as a dispatcher at the switchboard at the Bakersfield Police Department.
I was happy to see her again, she agreed to snap a picture with me.

Let's switch to today Sunday Sept 29.

Today this is me smiling and realizing I need to chance my polo later today. I am smiling with the picture of my family. Simona my wife is still sleeping today so  I am not waking her up.  In France they call this morning La Grasse Matinee. Once in a while Simona needs to sleep in as well. Normally she wakes up very early but weekend is weekend for you as well.

My Petite Dejounee is as following:
A very healthy and complete meal. Next time I will try to get some pain-au-chocolat.

I would like to go to prepare a nice letter to Sarah and some Stickers for Ian her son, so that on Monday at the clinic I will leave it on her desk as usual. Then I am going to write to my wife and my son. 
Enjoy the reading and have a good day!

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