Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2 2014

Alright, today it is a clinic ordinary day. As I was home over the weekend (more of it later) today Simona and I went to Alahambra to the Immigration and Naturalization Office to renew our green card. Everybody was very polite and efficient with us. We have been told that the green card is now extended for another 6 months. We have received a temporary document and soon it will be replaced with the final one.

My posting today goes to my unique flower: her name is Simona my wife. I am growing flowers in my balcony that are like my wife. Beautiful, resilient and don't ask too much from me. A bit of attention to them everyday works for her. Gladly she is smiling to me and I smile back to her infinite love for me.

Well this morning we had the chance to take our kids to school. Here is Chicco our eldest now 9 years old. He is getting ready to attend IV grade.

Here are our children ready at LCE for the day. Lapo is the little one and attend Kindergarten.
As I am writing to you he is already home with Marina our nanny. So I will go and call him afterward.

Well the weekend was filled with very nice activities for the kids and us.
We had a lot of fun as a family. As a family we are going through this situation. We are the lucky ones. We stay together and we move together. We are a family and we are a beautiful family. 
Simona my wife has accepted that this situation is taking time to get back on his feet. She is the first of us to wrap around her head on the actual situation.
It is alright. We are a family and we stick together.

I have two house, one is in La Canada and the second is here at CNS. At CNS I do a lot of activities to improve in my deficit. I trust my therapist and my Case Manager, Sarah who has been taking care of my recovery for the past few years.
Many people never returned back from their injury, but I am one of the few that is moving ahead to get better. With the help of God, Simona my wife, Sarah my Case Manager and all the CNS I am moving ahead. Overall I am a miracle man waking on my feet. 
Don't you agree with me?
I need to check on my lunch.

At home we have the WII and everybody plays with it. Simona my wife was really happy to step in the dance, she was able to have our two kids to dance with her. You see it is a perfect fit for our family. My role this time was to record them dancing. Lapo had a good run, both Simona and Chicco enjoyed very much the game.

Well her at the apartment I have been cooking Salmon. In the oven and without triggering the fire alarm!
Quite an achievement indeed.

Salmon is a good fish, rich in omega 3 fatty acid an essential nutrient for the brain and the body.
Farm raised Salmon is really good in US, it is a sustainable source of food and it is normally raised in a good condition respectfully for the environment.
I like it very much and I am paying a lot of attention to the expiration date.
So today I cook it as it was expiring.

While cooking I called home where I  found Lapo our youngest, he comes back home at lunch time everyday as his Kindergarten school runs for 4 hours - lunch excluded.

Chicco our eldest will be coming back at home at 3 pm. He is older than Lapo and more independent.
Chicco is home at 2:50pm, so in a little while. At home today the kids have Liz the piano teacher.
They both play the piano. Chicco being the older is more advanced than Lapo. They both are doing their bests when it comes to music.


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