Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sept 13 2014 Saturday posting

as you all know I like to stay busy, so work is work, no matter the day of the week.

I  have already posted about my day yesterday. So let's start from today Saturday.
As usual I woke up early and did my cleaning activities of the weekend.
Changed the bedding, washed my clothes and all the personal staff.

Josenia came to check on me and as she was around I asked if she could snap a picture of me, with my family and my Case Manager Sarah.

Also I gave a high five for her grace. She appreciated it.

As I had time I wrote a letter to Chicco our eldest. Chicco is now 9  and goes to IV grade at LCE, the local Public Elementary school in  La Canada. I always write to Chicco in English and block letter. Then I am normally making also a simple drawing for Lapo our youngest son. Lapo is 5 and goes to Kindergarten always at LCE.

As it is a Saturday I went to do Grocery Shopping. I normally go to Trader Joe's. It is a friendly place here in Town.

As I was waiting outside, Brian gave me a hi and told me " Giuseppe let the sun hit your face... it is free!"
Brian is a nice and smiling guy.

Well as mentioned to you I did my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.
It is always fun to go there, everybody knows me and I am always set in this routine.
I gave a high five to everybody, then bring flowers to everybody including Jamie, the person standing next to me and wearing a violet shirt. She is always happy to see me and I am always happy to see her. She is a great person. We exchange always information about our family. She has a daughter Delaney and a son Logan. She asks always about Simona and my sons. So she has always time for me at the end to snap a picture before I go.

At the shop I got everything I needed, and I also had a lot of fun. It is always great going over there.
As I am always bringing the reusable bags I was given a ticket for the raffle and as usual I put Simona's number. Afterward I got stickers for Ian. Ian is the youngest son of Sarah my Case Manager at CNS.
The stickers are showing in my leaving room at home.

As It is a weekend and Marina our Nanny is off I cleaned the whole house. Washed the dishes, vacuum the carpet and cleaned both bathrooms.

Also I took the chance of washing my shoes, they are now drying in the dryer.
Enjoy the reading.. second part next

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