Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday Sept 20

Already, my salient activities per yesterday is that I went to the 24 fitness gym.
yesterday it was my Zumba night with Honey. At the end of my evening Honey was happy to snap a picture with me. So here she is wearing her nice light green pans.
I am the one with the hat.

As usual I asked Honey some news about her daughter, she mentioned that she is fine and that she appreciated my asking about her family.
My coverage at the gym was done by Jessica a NRS of the CNS center. Jessica is a hard worker and she told me that she is studying to pass her tests to become a registered nurse.
I am sure she is going to achieve all her goals in life.

After the gym I was tired so we came directly home. I did not drive the car back as Jessica took care of it.
Afterward I went to sleep as I was so tired.
Today is a Saturday and I have done the usual routine of the weekend. As it is a Saturday and Marina is not coming during the weekend I took care of the house by cleaning around, doing the usual washing of my clothes and of my beds for the weekend.  Jessica provided this morning with my coverage again.

This morning we also snapped this picture with Simona

This morning I have written a letter to Chicco and Lapo. As usual it is written in English and block letters.

Chicco is now 9  years old and attends IV grade while Lapo is the little one in the family. He is 5.
I need to rush to do Grocery shopping.
Enjoy the reading

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