Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday Sept 6 second post

Alright, I did run out of space in my earlier post, so I had to delay the posting of this picture until now.
As I was mentioning to you I am planning to see this movie. It is a good movie and a true story.

I have to go in a little bit.
At about 4 pm it is time for my medication. Every day at about 4pm I take my growth hormone shot to get better. Since my stroke my brain has been a bit lazy so it has been slow in rebooting the production of the IGF1. This is why I need to take every day at about 4pm a shot of energy.
The good news is that my dose has been steadily decreasing, it is now down to 0.1ml a day.  Well this is as much as I know. I am sure that my wife and my Case Manager knows more about this matter. 
It is OK, as I am getting stronger and faster. My memory is still off, but I learnt to use my memory book and my phone as supplement for what I don't remember yet.
Well at least I am willing and able  to get better. Right now my job is to focus my energy in getting better.
Acceptance in one's fate is the key. This is a situation that has been impacting the whole family.
So here we go. 

I like the following quote about Patience (it is from wikiquote)

Patience is the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties.
we all need a lot of Patience in our life. It is a virtue that we all need to learn to develop.

Enjoy the reading. I need to get going.
Thank you CNS and Sarah.

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